Complete Githzerai names Guide & Name Suggestions

This DnD Githzerai names generator will help you find the right name for your character.
If you are using gith in your RPG game, then you will need to find the right githzerai names.
You can use the names as written or get ideas to help you brainstorm your options. In the post below, you will find more information that might help you find the perfect name you have been searching for.
Table of Contents
About Githzerai
A once undermined and enslaved race of the mind flayers, the Gith is now a group of powerful humanoids blessed with martial might and psionic gifts. Years of war against the mind flayers eventually lead to the liberation of the Gith race. Their leadership, however, broke into a divided faction. The Githyanki and the Githzerai had a great disparity in their visions on how to run their civilization. Their differences made them compete against each other and hatred grew among them.
In this guide, we’ll discuss the two warring factions of the Gith: the Githyanki and the Githzerai. Afterward, we’ll indulge you in a list of our Top 10 Male and Female Gith Name Suggestions. There’s more! We’ll add to the guide a bonus Funny Gith Name Suggestions and a ranking of our DnD 5e Top Gith Name Suggestions.
You may also check our DnD 5e Gith Name Generator for some quick Gith name references and ideas. Let’s get started!
Gith, the Githyanki, and the Githzerai
Gith and her people were once the slaves of the Illithids, also known as the mind flayers. It was unclear what happened to her ancestors and how she and her people became slaves of the mind flayers. Hearsays claim that Gith was a privileged high-ranking slave to an important mind flayer and acts as its bodyguard and champion. Others claim that she was a determined and exceptional soldier.
For many centuries, the ancestors of Gith raise frequent rebellions but were never successful. It was by her time when the rebel groups were united under her banner and were transformed into a single coalition against the Illithids. Their success trampled the entire Illithid empire and it never recovered. The entire populace of humanoids who liberated themselves called their race the Gith, named after their leader who paved way for their liberation.
Out of her lust for revenge and vengeance, GIth ordered the entire Gith populace to exterminate any remaining Illithids from the different planes of the universe; in exchange, she promised her people that they will be able to conquer all the planes of existence. However, not all Giths share this same vision. A young leader named Zerthimon argued that the liberation of the Gith race is enough and they should focus on recovery and tend to the future of their race. Gith implied that her ways are the only path and all should abide by. With their disagreement, a declaration of war happened which separated the Gith race into two factions: those who are loyal to the warrior-queen Gith, the Githyanki; and those who followed the beliefs of the prophet Zerthimon, the Githzerai. The early stages of their war were devastating. The Githyanki faction reestablished their domain in the Astral Plane while the Githzerai to the Planes of Limbo.
The Githyanki
Centuries after the great divide of the Gith race, the Githyanki became corrupt raiders and destroyers. The Githyanki was ruled by the dread lich-queen, Vlaakith, a protégé and successor of Gith after she failed to return from the Nine Hells. From birth, a Githyanki is trained and educated to fight and die for their queen. Young Githyanki undergoes a brutal way of upbringing and military training that sometimes prized their lives. As they grow older, more and more is demanded of each young Githyanki, and the punishment for failing becomes severe. As a graduating ceremony, each Githyanki must undergo the last drill: a fight to the death with a fellow Githyanki. For the Githyanki, weaklings deserve to die in training than to disrupt a war band due to incompetence.
The Githzerai
The Githzerai faction sprouted after the Gith’s successful rebellion against the mind flayers and her declaration of annihilation against the Illithids. Zerthimon challenged Gith’s views and contested her leadership among the Gith populace. He believes that Gith’s evil work will lead their race into darkness and tyranny just like the Illithids. During the first Gith civil war, Zerthimon was killed and succeeded by Zaerith Menyar-Ag-Gith. The Githzerai continued their stand against the Githyanki and became the primary opposing force against the Githyanki’s world domination.
The Disappearance of Gith
During the pursuits of the Illithids and their continuous wars against the Githzerai, Vlaakith advised Gith to seek new allies from the different planes, particularly to seek counsel with Tiamat. Gith undoubtedly agreed and ventured to the Nine Hells to propose an alliance with the Queen of Dragons. However, Gith never returned. Instead, a great red dragon Ephelomon was sent from the Nine Hells to bring good tidings to the Gith: that Tiamat recognizes their alliance and pledged many of her red dragon servants to the Gith’s cause. Ephelomon also proclaimed Vlaakith as the new ruler until their queen returns.
Below is the summary of Gith’s racial features and traits. Githyanki and Githzerai ability traits are different.
Gith Traits | Effect | |||
Ability Score Increase | Gith’s centuries of exposure to the manipulation of the Illithids grant them psionic capabilities. They have a bonus +1 to Intelligence. | |||
Age | Gith reaches adulthood in their late teenage years and can live for as long as a century. | |||
Size | Gith has a tall and slim stature compared to average humans. They can reach an average height of 6 feet but weighs lesser due to their slender body. | |||
Speed | Gith’s base walking speed is 30 feet. | |||
Languages | Gith can speak, read, and write in the Common and Gith tongue. | |||
Subrace | A player may choose from one of the two subraces: Githyanki or Githzerai | |||
Gith Subrace Traits | ||||
Githyanki Githyanki are trained as brutal and fierce warriors. | Githzerai Githzerai are trained to sharpen and hone their mind | |||
Ability Score Increase | Bonus +2 to Strength | Ability Score Increase | Bonus +2 to Wisdom | |
Alignment | Lawful Evil | Alignment | Lawful Neutral | |
Decadent Mastery | This trait allows the Githyanki to: · learn one language of their choice. · Be proficient with one skill or tool of their choice. | Mental Discipline | Githzerai governs their own minds. They have advantages in saving throws against being charmed and frightened. | |
Martial Prodigy | Githyanki are proficient with: · light & medium armor · shortswords, longswords, and greatswords. | Githzerai Psionics | Githzerai knows the mage hand cantrip. Their hands are invisible when they cast the cantrip using this trait. When reaching 3rd level, they can cast the shield spell once with this trait. They regain this ability after a long rest. When reaching the 5th level, they can cast the detect thoughts spell once with this trait. They regain this ability after a long rest. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for these spells. No components are required in casting these traits. | |
Githyanki Psionics | Githyanki knows the mage hand cantrip. Their hands are invisible when they cast the cantrip using this trait. When reaching 3rd level, they can cast jump spell once with this trait. They also regain this ability after a long rest. When reaching the 5th level, they can cast misty step once with this trait. They also regain this ability after a long rest. Intelligence is the spellcasting ability for these spells. No components are required in casting these traits. | |||
Top Male and Female Gith names in the preceding sections. Take a quick detour and try our DnD 5e Gith Name Generator for a few name references and ideas. It’s easy to use and free!
Gith Names
In DnD, Gith names are either for a Githyanki or a Githzerai, despite both variants belonging to a single race. Githyanki names tend to have longer spelling and have melodious sounds as if they were elven or Aasimar. They also have a harsher tone, like most Gith names, and apostrophes. Githzerai names, on the other hand, have husky sounds because their names are mostly comprised of consonants. There are few harmonious-toned Githzerai names which are mostly seen for female names. For the following names below, we’ll identify if the names are Githyanki or Githzerai.
Top 10 Male Githzerai Names
Below are some of our top Male name suggestions for either Githyanki or Githzerai.
Name | Subrace | Pronunciation | Description |
Ri’halkha | Githyanki | /ri-hal-ka/ | Meaning “The Frenzied One”, this name often describes a Githyanki filled with bloodlust. Ri’halkha’s overflowing bloodlust often leads to savage killings of his fellow Githyanki—which Githyanki high knights find to be amusing. |
Er’lun’wail | Githyanki | /er-lun-wa-il/ | Also known as “Mortal’s Bane”, this Githyanki name describes a horrific and terrible Gith who mutilates Humanoids and Githzerai whenever he gets the chance during raids. It was the Humans and Dwarves who called him the Mortal’s Bane, for he hates and destroys any beings in his path; even children. |
Balkwas | Githyanki | /bal-kwas/ | One of the corrupt yet trusted Githyanki Knight of Vlaakith. Balkwas often indulge himself in capturing female slaves for his carnal pleasures. Among the Gith raiders, it was Balkwas feared the most by other races. He torments and abuses all his slaves and keeps them in his dungeons for a variety of entertainment. |
Vyr’nais | Githyanki | /vir-na-is/ | Branded as “The Mad Gith”, he is known for his peculiar and psychological ways of raiding; making sure he torments any creature before they depart after their conquest. Vyr’nais enjoys the screams of his victims as he punctures their bodies in parts that cause agonizing pains. |
Xanghal | Githyanki | /sang-hal/ | This male Githyanki describes a skilled warrior. He spends his early days in the Mortal Plane to protect Githyanki hatchlings and is now a prominent GIthyanki captain. Xanghal, despite being born a Githyanki, does not take pleasure in killing innocent lives and pillaging. He sought to reconcile with the Githzerai and secretly joined the Sha’sal Khou. |
Dalem | Githzerai | /da-lem/ | The name “Dalem” describes male Githzerai versed in surveillance and tracking. Dalem is tasked to monitor Githyanki activities in the Material Plane and provide aid to the Humanoids who are in dire situations during the raids. |
Gawar | Githzerai | /ga-war/ | A Githzerai name describing someone who serves as a “guide” or a “pathway” to those Githyanki who are lost and no longer wish to live a barbaric life. Gawar is one of the many Githzerai monk missionaries who seek those who have psionic potential, especially those coming from the Githyanki. |
Vrakiil | Githzerai | /vra-ki-il/ | Also known by the title “Dimensional Walker”. This name describes a powerful male Githzerai Zerth who traverses different planes with his arcane. A fervent and loyalist of Zerthimon who guides people from other planes. |
Jworkar | Githzerai | /yor-kar/ | A male Githzerai name that describes a protector. He is someone who can manipulate the physical boundaries of his body to create defensive magics. Jowrkar was said to pioneer the Shield magic. It was later on improved by other Githzerai monks. |
Nushand | Githzerai | /nu-shan-d/ | Softly describes an empath or someone versed in emotional comprehension. Nushand, with his exceptional mastery of psychic manipulation, can read the minds and emotions of people he encounters. |
For more male Githyanki and Githzerai names, try our DnD 5e Gith Name Generator. You can select from a list of ready-made Gith names that you can freely use for your next DnD playthrough.
Top 10 Female Gith Names
Below are some of our top name suggestions for either a female Githyanki or female Githzerai.
Name | Subrace | Pronunciation | Description |
Jil’kala | Githyanki | /jil-ka-la/ | Roughly describes a feral female Githyanki. She loves pillaging and battling lesser creatures or innocent humanoids. Jil’kala’s atrocities give her a sense of purpose and strength so she can forget her painful slavery. |
Qualashtra | Githyanki | /ka-lash-tra/ | A female Githyanki born of nobility. Qualashtra is said to be a distant relative of the lich-queen Vlaakith. Like her queen, she is notorious and merciless in spirit and real life. Qualashtra is one of the renowned Githyanki Knights that owns a post on distant planes outside the Astral Plane. She owns a marvelous red dragon named Pragxanis. |
Zeraiah | Githyanki | /ze-ra-yah/ | This name describes a famous Githyanki known for her creative movement magics. Zeraiah utilized her psionic abilities by using her mind in improving her agility, sword thrusts, and leaps. |
Viantra | Githyanki | /vi-yan-tra/ | Also known as “The Cleaver” by her fellow Githyanki raiders. She is mostly described as a warrior wielding a two-handed ultra-greatsword that exceeds almost twice her height. The runic blade Mihandra is classified as one of the rare ultra-greatsword made from the iron and fires of the once active Crystal Mountains. The blade is around 10 feet long with a width of about 4 feet from the base to 1 foot at the tip. |
Ai’nazyl | Githyanki | /ay-na-zil/ | This female Githyanki name describes an artistic character who spent her non-raiding days with paintings, small architectures, and murals. Do not be fooled. Her colorful and soft side is not evident in raids, for her bloodlust is so strong she could only compel it to arts when she is not chosen in raids. |
Arilda | Githzerai | /a-ril-da/ | This female Githzerai name describes a compassionate and sympathetic Gith. She would always want to help any communities attacked by their Githyanki kin. Known to be a venerable Zerth, she painfully mourns for the fallen Gith and innocent humanoids alike. For this reason, she has been developing her psionic powers in creating techniques to help refugees and wounded Githzerai. |
Kashlaya | Githzerai | /kash-la-ya/ | Also known by the title “Nal’gustil” or “The Healer” in the Common tongue. Kashlaya serves as the temple’s sole teacher for healing arts and remedies. She and her fellow Githzerai monks wish to spread their healing knowledge to at least amend the destruction caused by the Githyanki. |
Gish’zael | Githzerai | /gish-za-el/ | This female Githzerai name is drawn from the word “Gish” meaning “Skilled”. Gish’zael is not born a Githzerai, but a Githyanki. She manifests a unique ability of telepathy that is long since forgotten by the Githyanki. With this, she was able to commune with some of the members of the Githzerai and flee to the Plane of Limbo. She was later renamed Gish’zael, replacing her birth name Gamasel. |
Laraya | Githzerai | /la-ra-ya/ | A name associated with a powerful female Githzerai who can disrupt the minds of her Githyanki enemies and dazzle red dragons. Laraya is known by the title “Kil’arakan” or the “Spellbinder” in the Common tongue. |
Ferza | Githzerai | /fer-za/ | This name describes a Humanoid-friendly Githzerai. She stayed and protected human settlements in the Material Plane for many decades, thus making her one of the old Githzerai mage-monk to ever existed. Ferza is known to kingdoms of men as a friend and reliable ally. She serves as an emissary and messenger between the Githzerai and few Human kingdoms, coordinating closely in cases that Githyanki invasions are spotted. |
More female Gith name suggestions via our Gith Name Generator. Try it now for free!
A Guide to Funny Gith Names
The history of the Gith race is founded from the bloody rebellion against the Illithids until the endless wars against their separated factions. Despite their fierce involvement with endless wars, this doesn’t stop us from creating funny names for the Gith race. Who doesn’t want funny names for their characters anyway? Check out some of our suggested D&D funny Gith names below.
Name | Description |
Boredyanki | Expeditions and conquests are starting to become rare these days, transforming his character into a bored Githyanki. Boredyanki is a Githyanki who tries to create his own excitement. |
Hepaelf | It is said that hepatitis makes one’s skin pale yellow. No wonder this Githzerai, upon visiting a poor village, was thought to be an elf with hepatitis. He liked the name anyway. |
Lindsay | A drunkard Githyanki monk who left the Astral Plane in exchange for worldly vices such as alcohol. She often gets caught speeding. |
Ed’Sheeran | A Githyanki who, out of boredom, created beautiful songs and music. |
Di’Carpio | Also called “Lenard” by his fellow Githyanki actors. He is famous for the movie Tu’tanic; a huge floating citadel that sank into the ocean. |
O’kneel | Known for playing the so-called basketball whom he learned from the Humans and imparted with his fellow Githzerai monks. |
Takoyanki | A Githyanki who likes to pillage much Takoyaki in the Material Plane. |
The Hogith | A small and dwarfish Gith. Neither the Githyanki nor Githzerai wanted him in their ranks. |
Githzerella | Oh. A salty Gith indeed. |
Githar | A Gith named after a famous musical instrument, the Githara. |
Top Gith Names Suggestions
We’re now at the end part of this guide and we know you’ve enjoyed some of our name suggestions so far. In this section and as a finale, we will rank all our suggested names for the Gith race. We based the rankings on the quality of the name and how relevant is the lore in terms of the Gith race. Check out the rankings below.
Rank | Name | Subrace | Gender | Description |
1 | Gish’zael /gish-za-el/ | Githzerai | Female | The name is nice for a Githzerai character. We used a Tir word (Githyanki language) and morphed it into a nice name for a female Gith. We also love the back story. As she is someone born from the ranks of the GIthyanki but was destined to join the GIthzerai. |
2 | Qualashtra /ka-lash-tra/ | Githyanki | Female | This name sounds noble-like and superb for a Githyanki character. We like the background lore, although fan-made, about a distant relative of the lich-queen. And we also included a nice name for her red dragon, Pragxanis. |
3 | Vyr’nais /vir-na-is/ | Githyanki | Male | This name quality is good in terms of choosing a GIthyanki name. For players who consider their Gith character as unstoppable and conquering, The Mad Gith Vyr’nais is for you. |
4 | Kashlaya /kash-la-ya/ | Githzerai | Female | First off, this name sounds very suitable for a female Githzerai. The name sounds soft, calm, and gives an impression of a kind woman. Moreover, we are also interested in her lore as someone who teaches the GIthzerai monks healing magics and spread it across planes. |
5 | Xanghal /sang-hal/ | Githyanki | Male | This name is recommended for a skilled Githyanki warrior. We are placing this name on the list for the nice name and the unique background lore. He sought to reconcile with the Githzerai and joined the underground organization of the Sha’sal Khou. |
6 | Viantra /vi-yan-tra/ | Githyanki | Female | Viantra is one of our favorites from our name suggestions. We imagine him as someone who carries a gigantic greatsword called Mihandra. Aside from that, the name is awesome and Gith-like. For players who picked a GIthyanki, Viantra the Cleaver is a nice starting name. |
7 | Jworkar /yor-kar/ | Githzerai | Male | The name itself sounds appropriate for a Githzerai character. We associate this name with someone who protects. This means that he prioritizes defensive magics to protect his comrades. We also like the background lore about being the pioneer of the Shield magic. |
8 | Nushand /nu-shan-d/ | Githzerai | Male | The name Nushand describes an empath; someone knowledgeable about emotions. What’s more awesome aside from his mind-reading powers, is the nice pronunciation of this name. It sounds magical and sassy. |
9 | Zeraiah /ze-ra-yah/ | Githyanki | Female | The name Zeraiah gives us an idea that the Githyanki, despite being trained with weapons, can still use psionic skills to improve their combat. More than that, the name sounds cool and unique that’s why we’re putting her on the list. |
10 | Ri’halkha /ri-hal-ka/ | Githyanki | Male | Lastly, this name gives us a generic description of what a Githyanki is: barbaric and full of bloodlust. For players who perceive their characters as such, Ri’halkha the Frenzied Gith is for you. |
For other race-specific names, visit our DND 5e Name Generator. We have a collection of unique names for you!
External sources:
1. Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: Chapter 4: Gith and Their Endless War, pg. 85
2. Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: Githyanki, pg. 85
3. Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: The Revered Queen, pg. 86
4. Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: Githzerai, pg. 93
5. Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: Chapter 4: Gith and Their Endless War, Gith Characters, pg.96
6. Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: Chapter 4: Gith and Their Endless War, Gith Tables, pg.97
Other D&D Name Generators