Full Aasimar Names Guide and Suggestions

aasimar names

This DnD Aasimar name generator will help you find the right name for your character.
If you are using Aasimar in your RPG game, then you will need to find the right Aasimar name.

You can use the names as written or get ideas to help you brainstorm your options. In the post below, you will find more information that might help you find the perfect name you have been searching for. 

Table of Contents

Heralded as the Champions of Gods, the Aasimar are the smiting hammer against the forces of evil in all its shapes and form. Pretty cool for an introduction, right? The word ‘Aasimar’ is pronounced as /ah-si-mah-r/ with the ‘r’ on the last syllable almost silent.

The Aasimar is one of the rarest races on Ord. They are direct descendants of the first celestials who couple with mankind. While Aasimars are incomparable to their celestial ancestors, their angelic might and presence are still evident and obvious.

Aasimars devote their years to fighting evil, believing that they were born for this very purpose. They also do this through preaching and serving as models of justice and righteousness. Their personalities emanate positive and pleasant vibes. Despite these great characteristics, Aasimars are still human. They are usually lawful good and follow order and tradition, except for a few who became impure and turned evil. They have a tall build and striking features. From silver or golden hair, angelic eyes, to a melodic voice.

In this guide, we’ll have a quick overview of Aasimar’s racial traits and subraces to create some unique and new Aasimar names. You’ll be introduced to some of D&D 5e Best Name Suggestions for Male or Female Aasimar. Not only that, we will suggest some Best Aasimar Subrace names and include some Funny Aasimar names.

You may also use our DnD 5e Aasimar Name Generator for some quick Aasimar name ideas. Or jump to our Top Aasimar Name at the end of this guide.

The Champions of Gods: Aasimar Racial Traits

D&D 5th edition described the Aasimars as humans born with the divine light of the heavens. They benefit skills and characteristics from their celestial heritage such as light skills, resistances, health regeneration, and languages for common and celestial.

Below is the summary of Aasimar’s Aasimar’s racial features and traits..

Skill Trait

Ability Score


Aasimar’s heavenly attribute gives them a celestial presence increasing their Charisma by +2.


Aasimar’s age rate is the same as humans but can live longer up to 160 years.


With their celestial influence, Aasimars are commonly good.

Outcast Aasimars are mostly neutral or evil.


Medium-sized. Aasimars have the same height and weight measures as humans.


Aasimar’s base speed is 30 feet.


Because Aasimars are blessed with a radiant soul, their eyes pierce through the darkness. They can see in dim light within 60 feet and see it as bright light.

Aasimars cannot differentiate color in darkened areas but perceived it as grayish.

Celestial Resistance

Aasimars are resistive to necrotic and radiant damage.



Aasimar can touch a creature and regain its hit points equivalent to the Aasimar’s level. This trait can be used again after finishing a long rest.

Light Bearer

Aasimars know the Light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability.


Aasimars can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

Best Name Suggestions for Male and Female Aasimar

Aasimar names are based on their place of origin where they are raised. Most Aasimars raised by human parents have human names. Others adopt or change to celestial-influenced names to show their dedication to the good cause of the gods.

Check out some of our best-suggested Aasimar names with some background lore and meaning. Feel free to visit our D&D 5e Aasimar Name Generator for more suggested names, on top of this page. It’s free and easy to use.




Male or Female

An Aasimar name that pertains to divine strength and providence. This name fits on your character that displays divine strength in warding off evil.



Male or Female

This name is associated with a person with heavenly features. Pick this Aasimar name for a character that radiates a heavenly aura and pure beauty.




Heirani is a female name that means “heavenly crown”. Pick this Aasimar name for a female character who is high, noble, and regal.




This name roughly translates to “blessed one” or “blessed man” in the Common tongue. This name is ideal for entirely any male Aasimar characters.




There is no known translation for this name in the Common tongue. However, this name is celestial-influence and befitting for a male Aasimar who is mysterious and quiet.




Choose this male Aasimar name for characters who despise the undead and exorcises demonic familiars. The name is associated with something being sanctified.



Male or Female

This name is related to the word ‘purified’. Pick this Aasimar name for characters who purify the land from darkness and evil.




This female Aasimar name is derived from the Common word “salvation”. Pick this name for Aasimars who spread good tidings and expel all forms of evil.




Pick this female Aasimar name for characters who has a shimmering aura and beaming with radiant beauty.



Male or Female

This name means “graced” in Common language. Pick this Aasimar name for venerable characters who offered their lives in fighting evil.

Aasimar Subraces

Players can select three subraces under the Aasimar. Let’s have a quick outline for each and include some Aasimar name suggestions.

Protector Aasimar

Protector Aasimars are the bulwark of the good and the weak against the evil. They are advised and guided by a patron angel in standing against the forces of darkness. Below are added skill perks of a Protector Aasimar.

Attribute/Skill Trait

Ability Score Increase

Protector Aasimar has a +1 bonus to Wisdom.

Radiant Soul

This trait can be activated as an action starting at level 3.

We consider the Protector Aasimars as purely lawful good with no stain of possible corruption or evil. With this in mind, here are a few DnD Aasimar name suggestions that are perfect for Protector Aasimars.





Halzohar is an Aasimar name that means “radiant”. Pick this name for a Protector Aasimar whose beaming light is so intense it immediately purges any lesser evils witnessing his presence.



Male or Female

Fajriel is an Aasimar name referring to the beginning of the light, or daybreak. Choose this name for Protector Aasimar whose never-ending light causes the night to become day.




Somehow translates as “searing light” in the Common language. Pick this name for a powerful, light-bearing Protector Aasimar. His sword can gash endless waves of evil critters.



Male or Female

Emettael is a glorious name for a Protector Aasimar who fights for truth, and truth alone. Emettael softly translates as “Truthful” in Common tongue.




Miganna is a female Aasimar name meaning “defender”. Pick this name for a Protector Aasimar whose power and light are used to protect the weak.

Loving this guide? Check out more D&D 5e Aasimar names from our D&D 5e Aasimar Name Generator. Our library has a collection of male and female Aasimar names that you’ll certainly love for your character.

Scourge Aasimar

Scourge Aasimar are born from long ritualistic bonds of humans with celestial archons. They possess unstable divine energy that burns inside them. Scourge Aasimars have a powerful desire to destroy evil. This same desire consumes them in the long run, making them obsessed with purging evil. Scourge Aasimars wear masks to contain their power and they only unmask in battle. Below are added skill perks of a Scourge Aasimar.

Attribute/Skill Trait

Ability Score Increase

Scourge Aasimar has a +1 bonus to Constitution.

Radiant Consumption

This trait can be activated as an action starting at level 3.

We can say that Scourge Aasimars are fanatics who savor the killing of evil creatures (that’s a relief, I guess). Although powerful as they can be, it has a disadvantageous self-damage when using their skill trait.

Let’s take a look at some of our suggested D&D Scourge Aasimar names based on some facts we know about them.





This Aasimar name is perfect for characters who enkindles her allies but incinerates her foes. Her light is like a never-ending torch.




This name is for Scourge Aasimars who ignite themselves recklessly with divine fire to defeat countless waves of evil creatures.



Male or Female

The name Llhava is associated with “burning” or “flames”. Choose this name for Scourge Aasimar that does devastating damage when removing its mask during battles.



Male or Female

The Aasimar name Tanaviel is befitting for a conservative Scourge Aasimar who does not wish to flaunt their destructive power. He/she only uses it when necessary and would prefer to smite their enemies with a burning sword and shield.




This Aasimar name refers to “burst” or “explosiveness”. Whether it’s explosive power, or energy, or light, it always has one intention: to destroy evil.

More awesome DnD Aasimar names from our Aasimar Name Generator. You can choose names for all the subraces of Aasimar for free!

Fallen Aasimar

Aasimars grew up expecting to be the defenders of justice and truth. However, some Aasimars are prone to manipulation and were misled from the righteous path to roads evil. Fallen Aasimar, as we call them, can no longer distinguish good from evil. They lost their radiant souls and their hearts consumed by the void. Not all Fallen Aasimars are purely evil, however. Some are lost but came to an understanding of their failures and take the neutral path in search of restoring their lost radiance.

Below are added skill perks of a Fallen Aasimar.

Attribute/Skill Trait

Ability Score Increase

Fallen Aasimar has a +1 bonus to Strength.

Necrotic Shroud

This trait can be activated as an action starting at level 3.

We illustrate Fallen Aasimars as the exact opposite of the Protector and Scourge Aasimar. They ward off evil too, yes, but they can never distinguish good and bad which makes them aligned evil.

Check out some of our suggested D&D 5e Fallen Aasimar names based on the background description we know.





Pick this Fallen Aasimar name for characters who are consumed with too much hatred for all the living things, good or bad.




He was once named Valrael. He turned his back from his deity and refused to service himself for the good. This Aasimar name is perfect for Fallen Aasimars who transformed into heralds of darkness.




Somehow translates to “fallen ones” in the Common tongue. Use this Aasimar name for Fallen Aasimars smeared with eternal darkness and blight.




Pick this Fallen Aasimar name for characters who are brutish and merciless. His hunger for the battle is limitless and his immense pain unimaginable.




This Fallen Aasimar uses her beauty to deceive humans and murder them out of habit.

Aasimar Funny Names

Aasimars are heavenly demi-humans indeed. But why not consider some funny and creative names for your character? Let’s see some of our funny Aasimar names that you definitely should consider for your character. Don’t let the fun ran out with it! Enjoy!

What makes it funny?

Minstra Byn

/min-stra/ /bin/

Okay, this sounded like Aasimar but something is off. Pick this name for a Fallen Aasimar because… he also fell from the sky… in a spotlight (Mr. Bean, I hope you get it).


A Protector Aasimar who likes nuts and has an unbelievable jump skill. He likes trees too.


Ooops. This is bad. But the name sounds Aasimar, right?



Okay this suggestion is vile. But hey, it sounds Aasimar, right? (Please don’t fire me)


(Corrupted Disciple)

Removing the vowels definitely made the name cooler. Pick this name for some Fallen Aasimar wreaking havoc in your game. Such a cool dude.


If you read this part, it’s a sign that we’re running out of ideas for a creative name. (lol) But hey, Kael is a nice Aasimar name and Sk8r_boi made it funny.

Khazama Jin

No! He’s not from Tekken. He’s an Aasimar. Believe me!



That’s an illegal Charisma roll! U’Handr-arest!

Editor’s note: You just have to believe that it is funny.

“Comeback” Ezryll


Yes. The comeback is real!



That’s… nice. Do you have ketchup?

You may come across some funny names from our D&D 5e Aasimar Name Generator. Come around to our website for more D&D name suggestions.

Top Aasimar Names Suggestions

We’re down to the last part of this name guide. As a finale, we will guide you to our Top 10 Best Aasimar names based on our previous suggestions. Our selection is weighed depending on how the name sounds in an “Aasimar” sense, how the meaning balances the name, and of course some personal biases for the names we prefer to use in any D&D game! (Yeah, sorry!).

Check out our Top 10 Best Aasimar names! Enjoy!

Subrace Suggestion




Male or Female

Protector Aasimar

The name itself is angelic or related to celestials. We think that this name is a strong representation of an Aasimar character, and deserve the top spot for this guide.





Protector Aasimar

Scourge Aasimar

Fallen Aasimar

The name is good as an Aasimar name. What makes it superior is it fits any subrace without changing much of the name’s context and our provided lore.





Scourge Aasimar

Fallen Aasimar

Reckless is the key term associated with this Aasimar name. It’s perfect for Scourge Aasimar who engulfs themselves with divine flames or for Fallen Aasimar who immediately cuts a creature in half not knowing whether it is good or evil.





Protector Aasimar

The name itself refers to something that is sanctified. The name sounds pure and holy and we think this is perfect for a Protector Aasimar choice.





Fallen Aasimar

The name already sounds corrupted or dark for an Aasimar character. The name is ideal for a female Fallen Aasimar.




Male or Female

Protector Aasimar

The name is celestial-like and heavenly. This Aasimar name is also a good choice for Protector Aasimars. Its name lore is awesome too, about dawn or daybreak.




Male or Female

Scourge Aasimar

Fallen Aasimar

The name is associated with burning or flames, that is why we place this under the Scourge Aasimar. The name is also a good candidate for Fallen Aasimars who are consumed with their obsession with killing evil creatures. That’s a nice and hefty meaning to start with, right?





Protector Aasimar

Scourge Aasimar

First of all, this name is very feminine. It fits well for female Aasimar. Its lore, associating the name to a heavenly crown, adds a nice background story for the name. But the lore description is inferior compared to the other names above mentioned.





Fallen Aasimar

Refers to a “fallen one”. This Aasimar name is a perfect description of a formerly good and righteous Aasimar who became tainted with corruption.




Male or Female

Protector Aasimar

Scourge Aasimar

Fallen Aasimar

This name is over-all good and generic for any Aasimar. We place it on the tenth spot because it lacks the ‘unique’ or ‘cool’ factor for a name.

Looking for other race names? Check out our DnD Name Generator for race-specific name suggestions.

External Sources
1. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Aasimar, pg. 104
2. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Aasimar Traits, pg. 104 – 105
3. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Aasimar Names, pg. 104
4. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Subraces, pg. 105


Other D&D Name Generators

Picture of Master Of Fantasy

Master Of Fantasy

Hello, folks! I am James Gillen a.k.a. the Master of Fantasy, I am a smuggler · From The Santa Claus & His Old Lady Commune, also I am one of the writers here, on generator1.net. I am an RPG player, reviewer and dreamer in the spirit. “I bring you greetings, reviewer of games! I am Bodor son of Todor, breaker of chains, slayer of dragons!" I hope you find my posts informative enough to help you with you name selection.