Full Lizardfolk Names Guide and Suggestions DnD 5e

This DnD Lizardfolk name generator will help you find the right name for your character.
If you are using Lizardfolk in your RPG game, then you will need to find the right Lizardfolk name.
You can use the names as written or get ideas to help you brainstorm your options. In the post below, you will find more information that might help you find the perfect name you have been searching for.
Table of Contents
Lizard humanoids, or Lizardfolks, is one of the possible character races that players can choose when playing Dungeons & Dragons (DnD). Despite calling them lizards, their physical shape is not only related to iguanas, but also with dragons!
Lizardfolks are described in Volo’s Guide to Monsters, a D&D 5e accessory, as humanoids with alien minds. They have a different way of thinking compared to warm-blooded humans, dwarves, and elves. Their understanding of emotions or feelings is based on how they describe the situation. For example, humans run out of fear if they encounter a rabid kobold, while Lizardfolks think that the kobold is just aggressive and therefore should be avoided. Pretty mature, right? Lizardfolk flee from such an encounter to avoid it, and that’s it. No fear at all. Because of this, Lizardfolks tend to be calm and they never get angry. It doesn’t mean they don’t involve themselves in fights, however. They can become aggressive to creatures which they think are weak or lesser. This includes preys they want to eat or creatures who harm them.
In this name guide, we’ll get to know more about the DnD 5e Lizardfolk race. This includes their ability, traits, characteristics, and classes that players commonly pick on them. The guide will show you some of the Best Male and Female Lizardfolk names and Class-Specific Lizardfolk names.
Exciting! You may also jump to our D&D 5e Lizardfolk Name Generator and generate your character name for free. Also, we’ll give you a bonus Lizardfolk Funny names and a Ranking of Top Lizardfolk Names at the end of this guide.
The Survivalists of the Swamp
Though their thinking is a bit different and sometimes harsh, it’s what made them survive long years on treacherous swamps filled with dangers and unknown threats. Their alien way of thinking helped them assess anything, everyone. They have little to no interest in art and beauty. They will prefer a sharp edge over a boring pile of gold. They hate wasting resources and will tend to scavenge thoroughly on their prey or fallen enemies. They do not care about time, seasons, or whatever lies in their future. They just want to survive.
Despite such an attitude, this maintained their place in the world. This limits their growth, however, and their race does not progress into prosperity or become a civilized country. They consider literature and writing as a time waster and they do not have long-term plans for themselves. But hey, at least they learned how to laugh from meeting some humans outside the swamp. They laugh as a response to emotional situations. Imagine our fellow Lizardfolks laughing because his human comrade eats cooked food… awkward.
Humanoids consider the Lizardfolk as emotionless and lack empathy. Although there are known Lizardfolks who lived together with humanoids and, later on, learned to respect other’s emotions and beliefs.
Below is the summary of Lizardfolk’s racial features and traits.
Attribute/ Skill Trait | Effect |
Ability Score Increase | Lizardfolk’s hardy nature and unique characteristics give them a bonus +2 to Constitution and +1 to Wisdom. |
Age | Lizardfolk mature at an early age of 14 years but rarely live longer than 60 years. |
Alignment | Lizardfolk only wish to survive and prefer to leave creatures as they are. Lizardfolks are Chaotic Neutral. |
Size | Medium-sized. Lizardfolks are taller and massive compared to humanoids. Their elongated necks, tails, and scaly skins make them appear larger. |
Speed | Lizardfolks are semi-aquatic creatures. They have a walking speed of 30 feet and a swimming speed of 30 feet. |
Bite | Lizardfolk’s jaws are so powerful, they can penetrate flesh and thick hides. This trait can be used to make unarmed strikes against enemies. Deals piercing damage (instead of bludgeoning damage for unarmed strike) equivalent to 1d6 + Strength modifier. Ouch! |
Cunning Artisan | Lizardfolks hate wasting resources! When doing short rests, Lizardfolks can harvest bones and hides from slain creatures like beasts, constructs, dragons, monstrosities, or plants with sizes small to large. The gathered materials are used to create any of the following: a shield, a club, a javelin, or 1d4 darts or blowgun needles. Lizardfolks need any kind of blade or appropriate artisan tools to use this trait. |
Hold Breathe | Lizardfolks are so adept at the smelly environment of the swamp that they can hold their breaths for up to 15 minutes at a time. |
Hunter’s Lore | Lizardfolks are born hunters and are proficient with any two of the following traits: Animal Handling, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival Any two of the above traits are chosen by the player. |
Natural Armor | Lizardfolks laugh at humanoids who need to wear heavy armor and helms. They are born with tough and scaly skin and can use this trait to have an AC of 13 + Dexterity modifier when not wearing armors. The Lizardfolk is free to use this trait in cases where the equipped armor has lower AC. |
Hungry Jaws | Do not starve a Lizardfolk else they’ll throw themselves into a feeding frenzy. As a bonus action, Lizardfolks can make a special attack with a bite. If the attempted attack hits, it deals normal damage and provides temporary hit points (minimum of 1 point) to the Lizardfolk equal to its Constitution modifier. This trait can be used again after finishing a long rest. |
Languages | Lizardfolk’s language is mainly Draconic. They can speak, read, and write in Common and Draconic, however. |
Best DnD Lizardfolk Names
Lizardfolks use their ancient Draconic language in describing the names of their kin. They are very simple descriptions, either based on deeds, acts, or just physical descriptions. An example of a Lizardfolk name from DnD is Garurt, which means “axe” in Common language. It is a name given to a Lizardfolk warrior who defeated an orc and prized its weapon. Quite simple right? However, Lizardfolks has no distinction as to what is a Male or a Female name. But we’ll try to suggest some gender-specific Lizardfolk names because, why not?
Below are some suggested names for Male or Female Lizardfolks. You can also visit our D&D 5e Lizardfolk Name Generator for more Lizardfolk name suggestions. It’s fast, easy to use, and free!
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Peratrix | /pe-ra-triks/ | Female | Meaning “Havoc”. This female Lizardfolk name is somewhat related to dragons (Darastrix). It describes the destructive force caused by dragons themselves. Mother dragons are more cataclysmic than males. Anyone who bears this name is a ferocious female Lizardfolk. |
Kilarthin | /ki-lar-thin/ | Male | Meaning “Outrage”. The name is granted to male Lizardfolks who have a mild temper and resorts to killing when having heated arguments. Lizardfolks never use this name to females because of their high regard for survival than unnecessary fights. |
Usdathra | /us-dat-ra/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Iron Heart”. This Lizardfolk name is given to a few adventuring Lizardfolks who showed heroic deeds to his companions in dire need. Despite Lizardfolks being branded emotionless, few show compassion and empathy. |
Vayyin | /va-yin/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Gust”. A name granted to a Lizardfolk who is calm as the winds but relentless during battle. Lizardfolks consider winds as a symbol of tranquility. A pleasant thing that they want to protect without knowing how. |
Kethlar | /ket-lar/ | Female | A Draconic term about emeralds. This female Lizardfolk name is perfect for characters whose scales are as beautiful and hard as a pressurized emerald. Kethlar scales are so sturdy even male Lizardfolk envies them. |
Vythala | /vi-ta-la/ | Male or Female | Derived from the word Vyth, meaning “steel” and was transformed into something that meant “unbreakable”. This Lizardfolk name is perfect for characters who are unbreakable in will and strength. Vythala the Steel Guardian of the Swamps |
Veladrat | /ve-la-drat/ | Male or Female | A soft translation for “frost” or “freeze” in the draconic tongue. It is an opposite word for Valignat which means “to burn”. Pick this name for a cold-hearted Lizardfolk whose scales are of bluish crystal hue. Despite her scales depicting crystal colors, she cannot use ice spells. |
Gauliv | /go-liv/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Silent”. The name is for male or female Lizardfolks who dislike talking and prefers action and combat. |
Zsahak | /sa-hak/ | Male or Female | Translates to “Spear”, a rare weapon of choice among Lizardfolks. Pick this name for Lizardfolks who is agile enough to wield a sharp spear. Zsahal, the Spearwielder |
Drizaar | /dre-za-ar/ | Male | This name is rarely used and is only bestowed to male Lizardfolks. Drizaar means “khan” or “conqueror”. Despite that Lizardfolks do not create kingdoms, they have a history of using names and titles of famous Lizardfolks. Drizaar was the first Lizardfolk to defeat a swarm of fell beasts and behead its leader. His kin called him Drizaar, the conqueror. |
Class-Specific Names for Lizardfolks
We understand that there are 12 classes in the world of D&D and this is the most exciting part after picking a race then making a name for your character. In this section, we’ll introduce three of the most commonly used class for the Lizardfolks namely: The Barbarian, the Cleric, and the Monk.
Lizardfolk as a Barbarian
Barbarian class is for fierce warriors that can enter a battle rage. They have an animalistic nature and feel the moment of their lives during battles. Battle rage is an adrenaline stance that gives them super strength through focused rage and wrath.
What makes the Barbarian class a good choice for Lizardfolk? To start with, Lizardfolk’s traits match most of the Barbarian attributes that benefit your character. The Barbarian class adds a total of 12 + Constitution modifiers as 1st level Hit Points on top of the bonus Constitution for picking Lizardfolk. This is the highest 1st level bonus for Hit Points compared to other classes. The barbarian class also has the Unarmored Defense trait which also complements the Natural Armor trait of the Lizardfolk. There are more details to discuss regarding the benefits of choosing the Barbarian class but in the meantime, let’s take a look at some suggested Lizardfolk Barbarian names below:
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Uskrabald | /us-kra-bald/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Iron Fangs”. Pick this name for a Barbarian Lizardfolk who, when entering a Battle rage, transform himself as a feeding machine that gnaws the flesh of his foes. |
Bralarye | /bra-lar-yeh/ | Male or Female | Translates to someone being bewildered. This Barbarian name is for Lizardfolks who lost their sanity from endless battle he/she participated in. |
Odokii | /o-do-kee/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Enraged”. Choose this Lizardfolk name for a Barbarian class who is quick to anger and prefers killing foes with his jaw and bare hands. |
Castrix | /kas-triks/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Catastrophic”. This name is suitable for a Barbarian Lizardfolk who is ferocious in battle and is like a rampaging monster when angered. |
Dragasir | /dra-ga-sir/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Predator”. This Lizardfolk name is for Barbarian characters who consider his enemies as mere prey; lesser, helpless, and worth killing. |
More D&D names suggestions from our Lizardfolk Name Generator . It’s easy to use and free!
Lizardfolk as a Cleric
Clerics, as defined from the D&D Player’s Handbook, are mediators between the world of the mortal and the planes of the gods. They are imbued with divine magic and purges enemies for the glory of gods. Notably, clerics are healers and warriors that inspire their allies while harming their foes.
What makes the Cleric class an agreeable choice for Lizardfolk? Although not reaching the bonuses on Hit Points of the Barbarian class, Clerics already have a good 10 + Constitution modifier for 1st level Hit Points. As for Clerics, you enjoy proficiencies with light and medium armor and shields. Your saving throws are based on Wisdom and Charisma. You also gain the ability to heal your allies or destroy Undead creatures at higher levels. There are more worth knowing skills under the Cleric class that will suit your playstyle as a Lizardfolk.
Let’s check out some suggested Lizardfolk Cleric names below:
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Garodym | /ga-ro-din/ | Male or Female | Softly translates to “Divinity”. This Lizardfolk name is befitting for a Cleric character who wards off forces of evil and provides inspirational auras for his companions in battle. |
Gaurum | /go-rum/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Golden”. A Cleric Lizardfolk who wear divine apparels. He/she owns the legendary Gaur’Litrix, a “Gold Armor” in Common tongue. |
Hyralthis | /hi-ral-tis/ | Male or Female | This Lizardfolk name translates to “High Above” or “Highness”. Use this name for Cleric Lizardfolks filled with divine fervor and respected by his comrades despite racial differences. |
Gavyll | /ga-vil/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Tribe Prince”. They are a group of faithful Lizardfolks who believe they are descendants of the ancient Dragon. Pick this name for noble characters who hide their Draconic nature and only show it in battle. |
Pradarix | /pra-da-riks/ | Male or Female | This Lizardfolk name is somehow related to the word “enlightened” or “illuminated”. Pick this name for Cleric characters who are blessed with wisdom and prefer to fight only if necessary. |
Lizardfolk as a Monk
Monks mastered the manipulation of magical energy within themselves called Ki. This magical energy is the element that flows to any living body. It allows Monks to channel it to different parts of their bodies for offense or defense purposes. Monks can do this through rigorous training and they never stop until they reach the perfection of their techniques.
What makes the Monk class a nice choice for Lizardfolk? First off, the Unarmored Defense trait. It allows the Lizardfolk to benefit from this Monk trait on top of the existing Natural Armor trait (same with the Barbarian class). On top of that, Lizardfolk can also enjoy the Unarmored Movement trait from this class allowing the character to increase speed by 10feet more if not wearing armor. This complements well with characteristics of the Lizardfolk who do not necessarily need to wear armors. Other interesting traits benefit the Lizardfolk under this class and are probably a nice pick for starting players who want to focus on combat.
Let’s check out some suggested Lizardfolk Monk names below:
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Trabaki | /tra-ba-ki/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Quick Fists”. Despite Lizardfolks who have advantages in using their jaws or claws, few can channel Ki to their fist and create a powerful push or solid fist defense. |
Uskbaki | /usk-ba-ki/ | Male or Female | Meaning “Iron Fists”. This Lizardfolk name is great for a Monk class character who specializes in an Unarmored setup. They are great ambushes due to their stealth and punishing methods in battle. |
Vyshalgra | /vi-shal-gra/ | Male or Female | This name is for Monk Lizardfolks who display martial prowess by utilizing small weapons, such as daggers and combining them with their acrobatic-trained feet. |
Avmirik | /av-mi-rik/ | Male or Female | Translates as “Inner Song”. Pick this name for a Lizardfolk Monk that uses the rhythmic pulses of their Ki and disseminate it evenly across the body to create a defensive aura. The rhythm of their Ki is unpredictable, keeping foes in awe. |
Krolvagar | /krol-va-gar/ | Male or Female | Somehow translates to the word “Crusher”. This name is great for Monk Lizardfolks that excel in unarmed combat, using only jaws, claws, and legs. |
We know you want some more! Visit our DnD 5e Lizardfolk Name Generator for more name suggestions.
A Guide to Funny Lizardfolk Names
Admit it, Lizardfolks are a bunch of weirdos. But it’s not a bad trait for us to hate them. They are cool and the way they think is rather based on survival instinct and sometimes, defies logic. There are few details we missed out in the early sections that we will briefly discuss here. To start with, Lizardfolks do not understand metaphors… Yep. Telling them “I’m feeling blue” will confuse them because they can’t imagine how one can feel ‘blue’. Second, Lizardfolk does not understand names. They use names to describe the Lizardfolk, like calling them Green, or Gold, or Brave. But when you tell them that your name is ‘Lester’, they will definitely ask what it means. You’ll be left out wondering too what your name means in the first place. They laugh at humans who need armors and shields just to protect themselves, however. Squishy, soft, puny humans.
Below are a few Funny Lizardfolk names that you can consider. Well, based on the above description, there’s a lot of funny things about them that we can incorporate in creating their names. Check them out!
Name | What makes it funny? |
Achuakli /a-chu-wak-li/ | Achuak achuakli (actually) means Green. Pun intended, yes please laugh. |
Dramstix /dram-stiks/ | Probably a Lizardfolk who likes drumstick chickens? Or drumstick ice cream… |
Jhunk /junk/ | Okay, maybe we misspelled “Jhank” (hammer) wrong. But why not? It’s a nice name for your Lizard who eats scraps. |
Shenlong | You know, the everlasting dragon from Dragon Ball Z. Oh wait! This is supposed to be a name for Dragons or Dragonborns… |
Heytdrags /hate-drugs/ | YES. Do not use it. Hate it. Destroy it. Kill it with fire! |
Karen | A Lizardfolk that you should avoid at all cost. Not worth fighting her. Run! |
Strongmeth | Woah. Probably a bulky Lizardfolk. He takes that “thing” before fights, you know? |
Harhar | I believe there was a time when people put ‘r’ in their ‘haha’. Anyway, it’s not a bad name for a Lizardfolk, agree? |
Hungry Betty | Who needs swords when you can just eat anyone you encounter? Be careful of flatulence! |
Smaugling | You’re actually not a dragon, Lizardfolk. At least you’re a small version of Smaug. Lol. |
Try our D&D Name Generator to find your Lizardfolk name that fits your character and playstyle or any other race.
Top Lizardfolk Names Suggestions
And we are now down on the last part of this guide! Below is the summary of our Top Name Suggestions for your Lizardfolk character. We based the selection on the degree of how “Lizardfolkish” the name sounds and how relevant is the lore or origins to the name. Of course, there are some personal biases on our part for the names that we want to see in a DnD game. Below are our Ranked Top 10 Name Suggestions. Enjoy!
Rank | Name | Gender | Class Suggestion | Description |
1 | Vayyin /va-yin/ | Male or Female | Cleric Monk | The name represents a calm-minded Lizardfolk. We place this on the top spot for its nice Draconic-sounded name and good lore fit for Clerics or Monks. |
2 | Vyshalgra /vi-shal-gra/ | Male or Female | Monk | The name is cool but its lore limits it to the Monk class. We love to see this name used for agile Lizardfolks. |
3 | Gauliv /go-liv/ | Male or Female | Barbarian | The Silent type Lizardfolk. The name itself is good and straight. We love to see it be used on characters who prefer actions rather than talk. Yes, a Barbarian Lizardfolk. |
4 | Dragasir /dra-ga-sir/ | Male or Female | Barbarian Monk | The Lizardfolk name for a ‘predator’. Despite that we see this name fit for a Barbarian class, the name suggests a possibility of a merciless Monk Lizardfolk. |
5 | Peratrix /pe-ra-triks/ | Female | Cleric | Peratrix refers to a female Lizardfolk described as a ‘havoc’. We consider this name to be fit for a Cleric or a Monk. The name itself is very draconic and we love to use this name in the future. |
6 | Zsahak /sa-hak/ | Male or Female | Barbarian Monk | Spears are not really mentioned as the main weapon of choice for Lizardfolk. However, D&D gives us freedom for this. We want a spear-wielding lizard who’s either an agile monk or a ravaging barbarian. |
7 | Bralarye /bra-lar-yeh/ | Male or Female | Barbarian Monk | The Lizardfolk name for ‘bewildered’. The lore describes it as a Lizardfolk who lost sanity due to countless battles. The name is good for barbarians or monks. |
8 | Usdathra /us-dat-ra/ | Male or Female | Cleric Monk | The ‘Iron Heart’. We see this name for hardy Lizardfolk entering the Cleric church or the path of the Monk. For what purpose? Heroic deeds! |
9 | Gaurum /go-rum/ | Male or Female | Cleric | We see this name as a Lizardfolk who entered the service of the Cleric church and wears golden armor, showing his/her holiness and desire to purge evil. |
10 | Avmirik /av-mi-rik/ | Male or Female | Cleric Monk | Refers to the term “Inner Song”. This name can be attributed to Clerics or Monks. Cleric for chanting songs of phrase to the gods, and Monks for body rhythms for their unique martial techniques. So, we want this name to be used for Clerics or Monk. Not to mention, the name is draconic. |
This isn’t the end. Try our D&D 5th Edition Name Generator for more race-specific name suggestions. Feel free to use it for your D&D character.
External Sources
1. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Lizardfolk, pg. 111
2. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Lizardfolk Traits pg. 113
3. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Lizardfolk Names pg. 113
4. Player’s Handbook: Chapter 3: Classes, pg. 45
Other D&D Name Generators