Detailed Goblin Names Guide and Suggestions DnD 5th Edition

This DnD Goblin name generator will help you find the right name for your character.
If you are using Goblin in your RPG game, then you will need to find the right Goblin name.
You can use the names as written or get ideas to help you brainstorm your options. In the post below, you will find more information that might help you find the perfect name you have been searching for.
Table of Contents
Goblins! The first thing that comes to our mind is a swarm of small angry, barbaric, green mobs. We see Goblins as some monsters who hold bats and tiny spears. They attack in groups with intentions to loot and pillage treasures or food. Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) described Goblins creatively, adding some more sense and features for these little fellows. They were first presented as monsters in the early editions of DnD, described as a group of monsters that follow a tribal system and inhabit caves and gloomy areas. Goblins were introduced as a playable character race from the accessory expansion The Orcs of Thar. In the Volo’s Guide to Monsters, a 5th edition DnD accessory, Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Bugbears were added as playable races in-game.
There are lots of things to talk about the Goblin race. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to an overview of Goblin’s racial traits and some of their subraces. In the succeeding sections, you’ll discover some of our Suggested Goblin Subrace names, some Funny Goblin Names, and a Ranking of our Top Best Goblin Names.
Don’t limit yourself! Visit our D&D Goblin Name Generator for some quick 5e Goblin name ideas. You can select from our vast library of 5e Goblin names and use it for your D&D character! It’s free!
Let’s get started!
The Deft Fellows: Goblin Racial Traits
DnD 5th Edition defines Goblins as “cunning in battle and cruel in victory”. They are a small humanoid monster who likes to bully creatures weaker than them but are subservient when defeated. They walk upright and their arms reach their knees. They have reddish to yellowish eyes, flat or elongated nose, pointed ears, ashen skin tone from orange to green, and a wide mouth; A short description of ugly. Goblins are simpleminded creatures. They like initiating fights then running away if they feel threatened. Although there are Goblins who try to be civil and venture outside their lair, only to end up discriminated against by other races. Dissent against them makes some Goblins aspire to be great and powerful. This attracts them to adventures and voyages. Their society is composed of scattered clans ruled by a leader that they call a “Boss”.
Despite their sizes, Goblins are nimble and quick to run away om danger. They have unique skills such as telling insults, riding some small beasts, swimming, and playing with fire. Below is the summary of Goblin’s racial features and traits.
Attribute/ Skill Trait | Effect |
Ability Score Increase | Despite being small, Goblins take this characteristic as an advantage increasing their Dexterity by +2. |
Age | Goblin’s age rate is faster compared to other races. They reach full adulthood at the age of 3. Their lifespan can reach as old as 40 to 50 years but they are commonly short-lived due to their harsh lifestyle and their impulsive decisions in doing things. |
Alignment | Mostly Chaotic, but not particular inclination between good or evil. |
Size | Small-sized. Goblins only reach 3 feet on average and weigh around 40 pounds. |
Speed | Even with a small size, Goblins are fast with a walking speed of 30 feet. |
Darkvision | Due to Goblin’s experience in traversing caves and sewers, they can see through the darkness. They can see in dim light within 60 feet and see it as a bright light. In total darkness, they see it as dim light. Goblins cannot differentiate color in darkened areas but perceived it as grayish. |
Nimble Escape | Goblin’s knowledge of danger grants them the ability to Disengage in combat or Hide as an action on each turn. |
Languages | Goblins can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin language. |
Goblin Subraces
Players can choose from the three subraces of the Goblin race. Let’s have a quick summary for each and include some Goblin name suggestions.
Greenskins Goblins (Traditional Goblins)
The little green angry monster we often see in-game? Absolutely! Greenskin Goblins are the traditional-looking Goblins whose skin shade is green or yellow. This Goblin Subrace is the most numerous and is recognized as ruffians who fight any non-Goblin creatures. Well, despite the aggressive nature, their lack of thinking and strategies in battle makes them easy to defeat and often end up being slaves.
Attribute/Skill Trait | Perks |
Ability Score Increase | Due to their barbaric nature, Greenskin Goblins are tougher compared to their kin. Greenskin Goblins has a +1 bonus to Constitution. |
Mud Slinger | Taunting and verbal abuse is the Greenskin Goblin’s trademark strategy. They know the vicious mockery cantrip. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for this trait. |
Worg Rider | Greenskin Goblins have secret knowledge in Worg-taming. They have a cordial relationship with these beasts enabling them to be mounted. Greenskin Goblins have Animal Handling skill proficiency. |
Run For It | Their experience in losing battles made them fleeing experts. Using the Disengage action allows the Greenskin to traverse difficult terrain without costing extra movement on the same turn. |
No wonder Greenskin Goblins are called Traditional Goblins. They are the default and most common kind of Goblin that one can encounter in-game. Here are a few Greenskin Goblin name suggestions for DnD 5e.
Notes on Naming Goblins
Goblins do not name their offspring at birth since some of these baby Goblins will not live long enough to fend for themselves (that’s sad ;( ). So, Goblin’s parents just assign them numbers until they reach maturity, if they survive. The Mob Boss often assign the names for the Goblins. Goblins can also be named after their incredible, or hilarious feats. Their name describes the act that made them famous.
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Dral-Dral | /dral-dral/ | Male | A Goblin name granted by a Mob Boss to any Greenskins nimble enough to steal his golden crown. Dral-Dral, meaning “hasty hasty” |
Kor-u’u | /kor-u-u/ | Male or Female | This Goblin name is given to Greenskins who are hard-headed and defy laws and ethics. Kor-u’u is a Goblin name for “stubborn”. |
Goblok | /go-blok/ | Male | A Goblin name for an angry and rabid Greenskin. Goblok often relates with the word “biter” or “eater” |
Ulag | /u-lag/ | Male | This name is given by a Mob Boss to a Greenskin who can kill a boar singlehandedly. Ulag, meaning “rough” or “tough” |
Boxx | /bo-ks/ | Male | This Goblin name is given by a parent to her mature child. Yes, they refer to a ‘box’ or a container. But in Goblin logic, this name represents a Goblin that will someday fill a box with treasures. |
Boggarts Goblin (Swamp Goblins)
Boggarts or Swamp Goblins is a common sight in swamps and marshes. They are lesser in number compared to their Greenskin cousins, but they are much smarter compared to them. Talk about being smart, Boggarts has a correct perception on when to be aggressive or not. Their skin color is between brown to black, has a thinning hairline, but with thick black beards. Boggarts seldom interact with other races and they are always at war with Bullywugs.
Attribute/Skill Trait | Perks |
Ability Score Increase | Their many years of adaptability on the marshes allowed them to be resourceful and clever. Boggart Goblins have a bonus +1 to Wisdom. |
Bog Swimmer | Boggart Goblin’s legs are well adapted to the marshes allowing them to swim on restless waters. Boggarts are born swimmers with a swimming speed of 30 feet. |
Boggart Weapon Proficiency | Years of living in the treacherous swamps gave the Boggarts idea on guerilla tactics. They have proficiency with blowguns and nets. |
Swamp life | Boggart Goblin’s adaptability to the murky swamps gave them the advantage of saving throws against poison and diseases. They are also resistant to poison damage. |
Amphibious | Boggarts not only adapted to the swamps and muddy water. They also have gills. Boggart Goblins can breathe underwater. |
Unlike the Greenskins, the Boggart Goblins are much smarter and good swamp defenders. Not to mention, they are not hostile to creatures unless their territories are at stake. That’s Boggart Goblin for a change!
Below are a few DnD 5e Boggart Goblin name suggestions.
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Wampo | /wam-po/ | Female | This Goblin name somehow is related to the word “swamp girl”. Boggart Goblins use this name to refer to female Goblins who matured from the swamps. |
Lukii | /luk-i/ | Male or Female | A name for a Boggart Goblin who’s always assigned to be a “lookout”. The name came from the colloquial word “lookie” referring to a lookout Goblin. |
Gampi | /gam-pi/ | Male | This Goblin name refers to a serious and wise Boggart commander. Gampi also means “rude” or “unfunny” or “boring”. Boss Gampi always boring. |
Spili | /spi-li/ | Male | This Goblin name is granted only by a Hob Boss to a one-of-a-kind Boggart who has exceptional talent in swimming and scouting. Spili swims, Spili scouts. No one can Spili match. |
Tusuk | /tu-suk/ | Male | This Goblin name befits someone extraordinary with blowguns and spear-wielding. A talented Boggart warrior. |
Our 5e DnD Goblin Name Generator can give you more recommended Goblin names. Feel free to check it out and choose from a variety of ready-made D&D 5e race names.
Gremlins (Tinker Goblins)
Gremlin Goblins are descendants of an enslaved Goblin clan by the Rock Gnomes. Gremlin Goblins can be easily identified because of their unusual long noses, unlike the rest of their kind who has a thick and dumpy nose. Their skin tone varies from turquoise to red, and their bodies have hairs.
They are intelligent and obsessed with creating things; mostly destructive though. This puts them in a pattern of building and destroying and causes harm to themselves. Gremlin Goblins are the fewest in number because of their high mortality rate from failed experiments. Death by immolation is a common cause of death among Gremlins (lol).
Attribute/ Skill Trait | Perks |
Ability Score Increase | Gremlin Goblins are risk-takers! They know no bounds for the sake of science! Gremlin Goblins has a bonus +1 to Intelligence. |
Almost Fire Proof | Gremlin Goblins are so used in setting themselves on fire to the point that they became resistant to fire damage. Almost… fireproof. |
Tinkerer | Gremlin Goblins are counted as Tinker Gnome due to their feats inherited from the Rock Gnomes. |
Dangerous Tinker | Gremlin Goblin’s creativity is limitless! They enjoy proficiency with one artisan’s tool of their choice. When using such tools, the Gremlin can spend 1 hour and 10gp worth of materials to create a Tiny Clockwork device that functions for 24 hours, or when an action is used to dismantle it. Only three devices are allowed to be active at one time. Resources used in creating the device can be retrieved once it stops functioning (24 hours is reached), or if it is dismantled; That is, however, if the clockwork did not explode. |
Tiny Clockworks created by a Gremlin can be any of the following: a. Arsonist’s Friend – A clockwork rod made from brass with a top and bottom opening, and a trigger button. When using the device, the player must roll a 1d6. If the result is between 2-6 the rod ignites, producing a small fire that can be used to light torches, candles, or campfire. If the result is 1, the device explodes and deals 1d4 fire damage to the Gremlin. (ouch) b. Blast Orb – A clockwork orb made from brass that has a small button on top. If the button is pressed, it creates a ticking sound and explodes after one round dealing 1d8 fire damage to anything within a 5-foot radius. If the device is destroyed before starting the next round, nothing happens. (phew) c. Bomb Boy – A clockwork toy that looks like a goblin. When placed on the ground, the clockwork moves a distance of 5 feet for every turn in the direction it is facing. When the clockwork is destroyed, roll a d20. If the result is 12 or higher, the clockwork explodes dealing 1d4 piercing damage in a 5-foot diameter. |
Do we consider Gremlin Goblins as suicidal or mad scientists? Anyhow, their gameplay is very far from the other two subraces and we find this race much exciting! Check out a few D&D 5e Gremlin Goblins name suggestions below.
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Blagg | /bla-g/ | Male | No, it’s not a sound of a flammable cask falling from the desk. This Goblin name is given to a Gremlin notorious for alcohol. Not for drinking though, but for their creation of Goblin Molotovs. He laughed so hard when he discovered that alcohol can sustain fire even on wet surfaces. |
Boosh | /bush/ | Male | A Goblin name describing someone who often creates sounds of exploding cannons in his room. His mom started to call him Boosh from the repeated explosions in his room. “Boosh?! Again?!” |
Doki | /do-ki/ | Male or Female | A Goblin name granted by a Mob Boss to a Gremlin who is, unlike the others, successful in his experiments. The name Doki (“no-fail”) is only used once every five decades. A genius Gremlin that never fails on experiments is said to reincarnate only every 50 years. |
Thak | /tak/ | Male or Female | This Goblin name is suitable for Gremlins that are clumsy but smart. He/she has bright ideas about energy but never perfected their formula due to their clumsiness. Thak designed an exploding bullet but end up swallowing it during tests. His formulae and design were lost when he spilled a cup of goat milk while walking. |
Driggz | /drig-s/ | Male | This Goblin name is good for a Gremlin who displays leadership and charisma. He not only wants to experiment in the four walls of his room but rather prefers to venture into the seas and look for exotic alchemy ingredients on isolated islands. |
We know you want more! Check out our DnD Goblin Name Generator. We have a collection of automatically generated names that you may use for your Goblin character. It’s easy to use and free!
Difference Between Goblins and Hobgoblins
Hobgoblin’s life revolves around war and glory. Unlike feeble Goblins, they consider cowardice terrible than dying. Hobgoblins begin their soldier life at a very young age. They wield weapons the same moment they start to walk making them ready for any war as they grow old.
We described Goblins to be simpleminded or sometimes lack common sense. Hobgoblins, however, are the exact opposite having high intelligence and a modernized lifestyle and attitude.
Below is the summary racial trait comparison between Goblins and Hobgoblins.
Attribute/ Skill Trait | Goblin | Hobgoblin |
Ability Score Increase | +2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution | +2 Constitution, +1 Intelligence |
Age | Matures at age 8. | Mature rate the same with Humans |
Alignment | Neutral Evil | Lawful Evil |
Size | Small-sized. | Medium-sized |
Speed | 30 feet. | 30 feet |
Trait 1 | Darkvision | Darkvision |
Trait 2 | Fury of the Small | Martial Training – added proficiency with two martial weapons and light armor |
Trait 3 | Nimble Escape | Saving Face – gains bonus roll for a fail attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. |
Language | Common and Goblin language | Common and Goblin language |
Hobgoblin Name Suggestions
Feeling like using Hobgoblin as your main character? Why not! Hobgoblins on the 5th edition can be picked as a monster race. Check out some 5e D&D Hobgoblin name suggestions below:
Name | Pronunciation | Gender | Description |
Orok | /o-rok/ | Male | Orok is a good example of a Hobgoblin name for a Mob Boss. The name is scary, intimidating, and easy to remember. |
Bardil | /bar-dil/ | Male | A Hobgoblin name describing a bearded Hobgoblin that knows dirty tactics in battle. It includes torture, abduction, and extortion of his enemies. |
Voki-Voki | /vo-ki-vo-ki/ | Male or Female | A Hobgoblin who swings a heavy mace without attention to the surroundings, injuring foes and allies. |
Gal’it | /gal-it/ | Male or Female | A name for a mad Hobgoblin whose bloodlust is unsatiated. He wears the skins of his fallen foe and makes weapons out of their bones. |
Dogol | /do-gol/ | Male | A Hobgoblin name referring to “anguish” or “wrath”. This furious Hobgoblin has a very short temper and easily angered even on the slightest, stupid reason. |
Hey! We also have a D&D 5e Hobgoblin Name Generator in case you’re looking for more names for the Hobgoblin race.
Goblin Funny Names
We get to know our little Goblin fellows from the early sections of this guide. You are now familiar with Goblin’s traits, Subraces, its difference with Hobgoblins, and most of all their personalities! It’s what matters most, you know? Here are our Top Goblin Funny names that you definitely must consider to add humor and fun to your Goblin character.
Name | What makes it funny? |
Teeny Whiney | A small Goblin in his semi-teenage years. His parents are making fun of him even now. “so, you gonna cry now Whiney?” |
Kido | He’s not old. He’s not in college. He’s not employed. He’s a Kido. |
Iterts /it-erts/ | When Iterts was being born, her mother kept on shouting his name. “Iterts! Iterts!” little did the father know that she is referring to the pain of giving birth… |
Tak-Tak /tak-tak/ | The youngest goblin in the herd was named Tak-Tak because that is the only phrase he can say. “Tak-Tak!” when attacking. “Tak-Tak…” when sad. “Tak-Tak?” when asking questions. “Tak-Tak!?” when surprised. Makes you wonder if he’s a chicken. |
Randolph | I’m not sure. But I’ll laugh if I found a Goblin named Randolph. |
Boblin | When he was human, his name was Bob. But he finds the Goblins as a cool race. So, he became Boblin. This lore isn’t worth the time and should never be retold. |
Snicky | He attempted to steal the golden crown of a Mob Boss. He always ends in jail. But he’s sneaky, alright. |
Dobie | You’re a wizard, Dobie. |
Unboxxing | Remember Boxx the Greenskin? Now we’re Unboxxing. “Hello welcome to my channel” |
Dyok /jo-k/ | He is a living joke. |
You may encounter some funny names from our D&D 5e Goblin Name Generator. Generate your own Goblin name and use it to your D&D games that match your playstyle.
Top Goblin Names Suggestions
And down to our finale for this guide! In this section, we will list our Top 10 Best Goblin names based on our previous suggestions. We ranked the names based on how “Goblin-like” they are in terms of lore and sound. But of course, we have some personal favorites that we want to use in our D&D game! (oh yes!)
Without further ado, here are our D&D 5e Top 10 Best Goblin names! Enjoy!
Rank | Name | Gender | Subrace Suggestion | Description |
1 | Lukii /luk-i/ | Male or Female | Greenskin Boggart Gremlin | Okay, we find this name cute. The meaning of it coming from the word “lookie” is what makes it cuter. Not only that, the name fits on any of the three Goblin Subrace. |
2 | Driggz /drig-s/ | Male | Boggart Gremlin | The name is awesome (but not cute, sorry). We find this Goblin name interesting for a Boggart or Gremlin. It describes a high-dreaming and wise Goblin who wants knowledge through experience and leadership. |
3 | Boxx /bo-ks/ | Male | Greenskin | We honestly think that Greenskin Goblins probably name their children based on items that they like or loot. We place Boxx at the third spot for this reason. Also, it’s cute! |
4 | Doki /do-ki/ | Male or Female | Gremlin | The Goblin name for Gremlins who never fails. The name itself is decent and the lore is also a nice additive. It’s Goblin-loke, straightforward, and simple. |
5 | Goblok /go-blok/ | Male | Greenskin | This name describes a mean Goblin. We imagine him riding his Worg and charging to the frontlines without hesitation. A perfect name for impulsive Greenskin Goblins. |
6 | Boosh /bush/ | Male | Gremlin | Goblins describe a loud boom using the word “boosh”. We want this name for a Gremlin Goblin who has frequent exploding experiments. The name is simple and cool and deserves the 6th spot. |
7 | Wampo /wam-po/ | Female | Greenskin Boggart Gremlin | The name refers to a swamp-girl Goblin. But looking at the name beyond the lore, it can also be used for the other subraces. |
8 | Dral-Dral /dral-dral/ | Male | Greenskin Boggart | This Goblin name is associated with being fast or hasty. We put this on the 8th spot for its Goblin-like relevance in terms of the nature of the name and how it describes the deftness of Goblins. |
9 | Dogol /do-gol/ | Male | Greenskin Hobgoblin | The name was suggested for Hobgoblins, but we also open the name for possibilities to be used as a Greenskin Goblin name. Hobgoblins and Greenskins share the same aggressive behavior except for Greenskins running away in dire situations. |
10 | Kor-u’u /kor-u-u/ | Male or Female | Greenskin | The stubborn one. Kor-u’u sounds Goblin-like if we imagine it in the Goblin language. We also visualize him having conversations like this: “Kor-u’u, hates laws. Kor-u’u above laws” “Kor-u’u hungry. Me wants the meats yes” We put him in the 10th spot for more possibilities of lore on his name. |
If you’re looking for race-specific names, check out our DnD 5e Name Generator. It contains a collection of names of other races aside from the Goblins.
External Sources
1. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 1: Monster Lore, Goblinoids: The Conquering Host, Goblins, pg. 40
2. Volo’s Guide to Monsters: Chapter 2: Character Races, Monstrous Adventurers, Racial Traits, Goblin Traits, pg. 119
Other D&D Name Generators