Worgen Names Complete Guide & Name Suggestions WoW

This World of WarCraft Worgen name generator will help you find the right name for your character.
If you are using Worgen in your MMORPG game, then you will need to find the right Worgen names.
You can use the names as written or get ideas to help you brainstorm your options. In the post below, you will find more information that might help you find the perfect name you have been searching for.
Table of Contents
The Worgen is a race of lupine humanoids that are endemic within the Gildeas regions. Its origin traces back to the war between the Night Elves and Satyrs of Ancient Kalimdor. A sect of Night Elf druids known as The Druids of the Pack who follows and worship the wolf Ancient Goldrinn created the druidic Pack Form to which they drew on the fury of Goldrinn and take his form. The few druids who undergone this Pack Form became the first set of Worgens to ever exist in this time. To achieve this, followers of the Druids of the Pack submitted themselves to the energies of the Scythe of Elune— an artifact created from the fang of Goldrinn and the Staff of Elune. However, turning themselves into Worgens made the druids feral and has tendencies to attack their allies, infecting them with the Worgen curse, transforming them into Worgen.
With the uncontrolled spread of the Worgen curse, Malfurion Stormrage decided to banish the entire Druids of the Pack and those infected with the Worgen curse into the Emerald Dream, where they would slumber for all eternity.
In this guide, you’ll get a glimpse of how the Worgen returned to Azeroth and what is their involvement in the events during and after the Third War. Afterward, we’ll guide you to a list of our Top WOW Male and Female Worgen Name Suggestions. We also have a bonus Funny WOW Worgen Names and a ranking of the Top WOW Worgen Name Suggestions at the end of this guide.
Excited? So are we! You may take a detour and try our WOW Worgen Name Generator for some quick Worgen name ideas. The names provided here are new, unique, and free!
Rousing from the Slumber
For many centuries, the Scythe of Elune was kept hidden in Ashenvale, while the stories of the Druids of the Pack and the first set of Worgens were eventually forgotten. Worgens only exist in legends, described as wolf-men who walk the wilds in search of prey.
After the Second War, Gilneas and Quel’Thalas declared their abolishment of support to the Alliance. Genn Greymane, the King of Gilneas, decided to tend to his people instead. He ordered the construction of the great Greymane Wall and isolated the entire Gilneas from the rest of the mainland continent and the faring seas.
With the start Third War, the Scourge crawled its way to the high walls of Gilneas. The warriors of Gilneas were able to fend off the sieges of the Scourge for a few days, but for every man that fell, an additional Undead is added for the Scourge. King Greymane, seeking to find ways on how to defend the walls without further disposing his troops, heed the suggestion of Archmage Arugal: to free bestial creatures that were slumbering for a long period in the planes of the Emerald Dream. The King agreed, under the condition that only a single beast will only be summoned for inspection and tests. Archmage Arugal summoned the first slumbering Worgen to Gilneas and the King was impressed with the creature. With the need for more of these creatures, King Greymane agreed to summon more, including the Alpha Prime, the first-ever Worgen. Archmage Arugal opened a rift, connecting the material world to the Emerald Dream, and draw the attention of the Worgen. The Worgen, awoken from their deep slumber, immediately traversed the rift and attacked the Scourge lingering outside the walls of Gilneas. The Worgen immediately rampaged unto the Undead ranks and stormed all their positions and siege weapons. The Scourge was forced to retreat and with their departure, the Worgen instead turned to the Gilnean soldiers.
Arugal was fascinated by the might and power of the Worgen. He aligned himself with the Alpha Prime and helped them siege the capital of Gilneas. Soldiers that were wounded in battle were lead inside the walls and eventually turned into Worgens, attacking and spreading further their curse to other soldiers.
The Alpha Prime, with Arugal’s aid, sieged the keep of Baron Silverlaine. The keep fell into their hands and they renamed it the Shadowfang Keep. In the ruins of the keep, they created the Wolf Cult to search for the missing Scythe of Elune.
During the catastrophes that happened in Gilneas, a Night Elf by the name of Velinde Starsong was tasked to clear Felwood of demons. Felwood at that time was under siege by the demonic forces of the Burning Legion’s leftover from the Second War. While searching for answers on how to defeat the demons in the Darnassian libraries, she discovered the journal of Fandral Staghelm, describing the Scythe of Elune and the history of the early wolf-men of Kalimdor who turned the tide of war against the Satyrs. Hearing this similar story from her aunt, she went to her tomb and prayed to Elune. Here, the Scythe of Elune was granted to her and upon touching the scythe, gained a vision of the events in the Satyr wars. Using the scythe, Velinde was able to summon thirty Worgen to fight at her side against the demons on Felwood. She then ordered the Worgen to guard Ashenvale and she began searching for Archmage Arugal, whom she heard was able to summon Worgens in Gilneas. Many events happened after the arrival of Velinde in Shadowfang Keep and it was unknown whether the scythe reaches its real objective.
A partial cure was developed by a chemist named Krennan Aranas which allowed the Worgen to control their sanity. Some of the awakened Druids of the Pack, through a powerful ritual, gave the infected Gilneans control over their Worgen self which allowed them to regain their sanity and fight back the Undead and save their kingdom. From then onwards, the Worgens of Gilneas became members of the Alliance in the Fourth War.
Worgen Appearance
Worgen appears as a wolf-like creature. They can walk with their two hind legs or run on four feet, using their hands as forelegs. Their bodies are covered with furs, has pointed ears, and long snouts. Their claws and fangs can pierce through flesh, leaving the victim severely wounded. Worgens have good eyesight, a sense of smell, and do not tire easily.
WoW Worgen Traits and Classes
There are eight available classes for the Worgen race as summarized in the table below:
Class | In-Game Role | Class | In-Game Role |
Warrior | Tank or Melee Plate DPS | Hunter | Melee or Ranged Mail DPS |
Rogue | Melee Leather DPS | Priest | Healer or Ranged Cloth DPS |
Mage | Ranged Cloth DPS | Warlock | Ranged Cloth DPS |
Druid | Tank, Healer, or Melee Leather DPS | Death Knight | Tank or Melee Plate DPS (Available with the Shadowlands pre-order) |
The Worgen Racial Traits are summarized below:
Skills/Passive | Description |
Running Wild [Skill] | Worgens can run in all fours like a wild beast, increasing their speed to that of a wild animal. |
Aberration [Passive] | Worgen has a natural resistance to Shadow and Nature related damage. Reduces Shadow and Nature damage by 1% from all sources. |
Darkflight [Skill] | Worgens can ascend and bring back their true form. Increases movement speed by +40% for 10 seconds. |
Flayer [Passive] | Worgen have sharp claws that can rip and skin a slain victim quickly. Skinning skill increased by 15 and allows the Worgen to skin faster. |
Viscousness [Passive] | The Worgen ferocity and predatory instinct grant them chances for a critical strike. Increases critical strike chance by an additional 1%. |
Two Forms [Skill] | Worgens can go back into their semi-human form when not in combat. Returns the Worgen into their inactive form. |
Editor’s Notes: Worgen traits centers around dealing massive damage and closing distance between the Worgen and a target through movement speed bursts. Their dual resistance for Shadow and Nature also makes them ideal tanks for enemies who wield Shadow or Nature magic or enchantments. For players who want to center their Worgen characters in high melee DPS, a Worgen Rogue is highly recommended. For players who prefer a semi-tank role, while at the same time not sacrificing melee DPS, a Worgen Warrior is suggested. Whereas, for players who want a semi-tank and semi-support role, Worgen Druid is preferred. Players may still choose other classes outside these recommendations that fit their playstyle.
Worgen Names
Worgens are cursed Humans and Night Elves who are transformed into a wolf form similar to a werewolf. Therefore, their names are either Elven or Human. Some Worgen NPC names in WOW were derived from Old European and English names such as Tobias, Darius, Ivar, and Berard. We’ll use this information as a guide in creating the names.
Top 10 Male Worgen Names
Name | Pronunciation | Description |
Alvjoran | /al-vyo-ran/ | A Worgen name that describes a fiery and frenzied character. Alvjoran is one of the select footmen used by Arugal to infiltrate the inner walls of Gilneas. Intentionally bitten by the Alpha Prime, he uncontrollably transformed inside the walls together with a few guards and wreaked havoc inside the walls. |
Adelmo | /a-del-mo/ | This Worgen name was once owned by a noble Human Gildean soldier. Adelmo was infected by the curse when he blocked a bite of Worgen with his arm while trying to evacuate civilians to the Keep. |
Elryk | /el-rik/ | One of the few remaining noble of the Silverlaine family. This name describes a once proud and great heir to Baron Silverlaine. Elryk was believed to be killed by the Worgen together with Baron SIlverlaine, his wife, and kids. It turns out that Elryk was infected and transformed into a Worgen inside their Keep. Whether if he is responsible for the death of the SIlverlaine remains a question. |
Benze | /ben-ze/ | This male Worgen name once described an ambitious Human bandit who loots and robs refugees that try to reach the walls of Gilneas. When Archmage Arugal opened the rift of the Emerald Dream, Benze was astonished at its sight. He quickly ran off towards the rift only to find a dozen of Worgens feasting on Undead and Humans. The rest is history for him. |
Alvaan | /al-van/ | A name that once described a selfless Human soldier. With the full-scale retreat of the Scourge, the Worgens immediately turned against the wall defenders. Alvaan fell off the wall when he tried to secure the ladders for the soldiers who were left below the walls for the Worgens to feast. |
Elvoir | /el-vwor/ | One of the ancient Worgen who slumbered in the Emerald Dream. This name describes a guardian druid who once protected the lands against the Satyrs. Elvoir is a member of the Druids of the Pack who volunteered to undergo the ritual of the Scythe to fight off the Satyrs. He awoke in a deep slumber, facing a tall wall and an Undead army behind him. |
Halkhan | /hal-kan/ | This Worgen name describes a once-powerful Night Elf druid versed with Nature magic. Halkhan is one of the many who opposes the plans of the Druids of the Pack. After the transformation of the Pack and driving off the Satyrs, the Worgens immediately turned against the Night Elves. Halkhan is one of the victims. He was included in the banishment of Malfurion to the Emerald Dream. |
Araman | /a-ra-man/ | This name describes a fierce soldier who defended his line during the Scourge invasion. Araman protects the Greymane Wall’s door contraption. After a fierce defense against the Scourge, he saw the beaming light of the opening rift and was overjoyed with the sudden turn of the battle in their favor. Everything else was in haze for he could no longer remember why his body is now fury and why he was feasting on a dead soldier. |
Filrael | /fil-ra-el/ | One of the first members of the Druid of the Pack during the War of the Satyrs. Filrael blindly followed Ralaar Fangfire in his experiments of the Pack Form and openly accepted this gift. He immediately became feral upon receiving the gift. Over a millennium later, he finds himself sane and within his consciousness inside the Shadow Keep in Gilneas. |
Erenaeas | /e-re-na-yas/ | This male Worgen name describes a once vicious and brave Gildean commander. Tasked with protecting the walls against the Scourge, Erenaeas and his troop hold the lines in defense against the Siege towers and Meat Wagons of the Scourge. With the opening of the Rift, he immediately saw how the Worgens attack his people. He willingly rushed to their aid and in his last stand, killed a couple of Worgens before falling into the ground and transforming into a Worgen himself. |
We have more male Worgen name suggestions from our Worgen Name Generator. You can generate your own Worgen name with just a click of a button. Try it now for free!
Top 10 Female Worgen Names
Name | Pronunciation | Description |
Illona | /i-lo-na/ | The female Worgen name “Illona” describes hope and optimism in dire times. A once proud member of the Gilneas Brigade, Illona was tasked to return to Gilneas to bring news about the expedition in Kalimdor. She was ambushed by a pair of wandering Worgen and was wounded in the process. She escaped the ambush but later on transformed into one. |
Kalora | /ka-lo-ra/ | The name “Kalora” is typically associated with someone who is swift and agile. For a female Worgen, Kalor shows extraordinary physique and skill that can match the strongest male Worgen. |
Zumira | /zu-mi-ra/ | Once a kind and venerable priestess of the Church of Light outside Gilneas. Zumira and her priestesses were the first to fell victim to the swarm of the Worgen outside Gilneas. Some of them transformed into Worgen, others mutilated. |
Maivar | /may-var/ | This female Worgen name is one of the ancient Night Elves way back Ancient Kalimdor belonging to the Sentinel Scout who investigates the Druids of the Pack. Caught eavesdropping by the Alpha Prime himself, Maivar was captured and used as an experiment to test the Pack Form. She transformed into a feral Worgen and was one of the many who were banished to the Emerald Dream. |
Estruse | /es-trus/ | This female Elf’s name is once a druid sorceress of the Druids of the Pack. She, later on, received the blessings of the Pack and was transformed into a Worgen. Despite her doubts about the power of the Pack Form, she came to realize and enjoy its blessing when she experienced it first-hand. It was only a matter of time before her sanity left her, however. |
Dyana | /di-ya-na/ | This name describes a once kind-hearted maiden who was transformed into a female Worgen after being bitten. Dyana is not a fighter but only a civilian caught between the invasion of the Scourge and the spread of the rabid Worgens inside Gilneas. |
Madel | /ma-del/ | A once-famous hunter in the Silverpine Forest, Madel is a skilled bowwoman. She was caught by the Scourge as they are headed towards Gilneas and was kept prisoner for days. When the Worgen mayhem happened after the rift, she was one of the many prisoners who were bitten and transformed into a Worgen. |
Eleanor | /e-li-nor/ | The name “Eleanor” describes a lady of Noble birth or royal blood. Someone beaming with confidence and leadership. The Silverlaines are not the only nobles affected by the spread of the Worgen curse. This includes the house of Blackwrights— where Eleanor belongs. |
Hymnel | /him-nel/ | The name Hymnel is associated with the word “rhythm” or “tempo”. She is a skilled Elven ranger with finesse and rhythm in conquering battles. Hymnel was an emissary from the Night Elves of Ashenvale in talks with King Greymane when the disaster of the Worgen happened. |
Olienne | /ol-yen/ | A female Worgen name that describes someone brave and courageous. A member of the Gilneas Liberation Front, Olienne was few of the many soldiers who regained their true self after being transformed into a Worgen. |
More female Worgen name from our WOW Worgen Name Generator. You can generate your own Worgen name for your next WOW Worgen character. Try it now for free.
Funny Worgen Names
Worgen is nothing but a curse and does not alter the personality, or genes of the person afflicted with it. They can still bear a normal child even if one of the parents is a Worgen. While it may be unfortunate to be afflicted with the Worgen curse, this does not stop us from creating funny names for them. Check them out below.
Before you proceed, keep in mind that these names are intended to suggest funny and humorous names only. Puns and jokes ahead.
Name | Description |
Cornworg | A Worgen who likes to gnaw on corns. |
Sit | A ferocious and mighty Worgen. His only weakness is when people know his real name. |
Jail Worgen | A Worgen who guards the prisoners of the Alliance. |
Scooby | He is a frightful and easily-scared Worgen warrior. |
Jacob Black | Straight from the Twilight Realm across the Twisted Nether. |
Dumbleworg | The master wizard of Howlwarts. Pun intended. |
Pawblo | He was once named Pablo until he turned into a Worgen. |
Pawpye One-Eyed | A vegetarian Worgen who eats spinach to transform himself into his powerful version. |
Moonstrosity | It is said that Worgens gain their powers from a full moon. |
AWOLgen | This Worgen always has Absents Without Leaves (AWOL). |
Top WOW Worgen Names Suggestions
We are now on the end part of this name guide. In this section, we present to you the ranking of our Top 10 recommended Worgen names. We ranked the names based on the nice lore and how the name sounds in general for a Worgen character. Check out the rankings below.
Rank | Name | Gender | Description |
1 | Maivar /may-var/ | Female | We like this name on the way it is spelled and pronounced. It sounds elven and gives a nice impression that the bearer of this name is a skilled scout. The background lore is catchy too. We depict her on a mission in investigating the Druids of the Scythe—until she was caught and transformed into a Worgen itself. |
2 | Erenaeas /e-re-na-yas/ | Male | The name Erenaeas sounds nice for a Human character. To link it as a Worgen name, we created a backstory about Erenaeas. Erenaeas is a brave Gildean commander who rushed towards the frontlines to save his people against the menacing Worgens until he became a Worgen himself. The story sounds heroic and most of all, dramatic. |
3 | Alvjoran /al-vyo-ran/ | Male | For a Human name, Alvjoran is justifiable and already good-sounding. To make this name Worgen, we created a backstory about him being one of the guards used to infiltrate the walls of Gilneas. His story gives us a glimpse of what happened after the opening of the rift and how the Alpha Prime and Arugal breached the inner city of Gilneas. |
4 | Madel /ma-del/ | Female | Madel is a simple and unique female Worgen name. We introduced her as a famous hunter in the SIlverpine Forest. To make sense of how she became a Worgen, we made her story tragic. She was imprisoned by the Scourge, who passed by the Silverpine Forest, and was taken to their encampments near Gilneas—where the Worgen incident happened. |
5 | Hymnel /him-nel/ | Female | We derived this name from the base word “hymn”; thus, we associated her name with rhythms and tempos. We came up with a nice backstory where the possibility of the presence of a Night Elf emissary during the siege of Gilneas is possible. Hymnel fell victim to the Worgen curse and was transformed into a Worgen herself. |
6 | Elvoir /el-vwor/ | Male | The name Elvoir sounds very elven and relevant for the character. We described him as one of the original members of the ancient Druids of the Scythe. In his willingness to protect their lands against the Satyrs, he volunteered to undergo the ritual of the Scythe and gain the feral ability of the Pack Form. |
7 | Illona /i-lo-na/ | Female | This name is one of our favorites on this list. We describe this name as someone who brings hope and optimism in dire times. Her background story is quite fascinating. Her story gives us an idea of what happens to one of Jaina Proudmoore’s messenger whom she sent back to Gilneas. The rest is history as she was turned into Worgen after a vicious battle. |
8 | Filrael /fil-ra-el/ | Male | The name FIlrael gives us an impression that this elven name is ancient. It is ancient indeed because he is one of the first members of the Druid of the Scythe during the War of the Satyrs. He was a blind follower of Ralaar Fangfire and he became feral when he used the Pack Form to fight the Satyrs. |
9 | Dyana /di-ya-na/ | Female | This name is fitting for a female Worgen (or Human, originally). Her name describes a kind-hearted maiden who was transformed into a Worgen when she was wounded while escaping the chaos. What’s more interesting about her is, she is not a fighter but an innocent villager who turned into a Worgen. |
10 | Alvaan /al-van/ | Male | The selfless soldier, Alvaan, is one of our favorite male Worgen names from our list. We liked his background story when he fell from the top of the wall when he tried to secure ladders for his companions who were stranded below the walls. As tragic as it may seem, at least he transformed into a Worgen instead of sealing his faith and dying out of falling from a high wall. |
If you’re looking for non-Worgen names, you may check out our WOW Name Generator. We have a collection of ready-made names for all the races in World of Warcraft that you can use for free!
World of Warcraft Races