Full Troll Names Guide & Troll Name Generator

This World of WarCraft Troll name generator will help you find the right name for your character.
If you are using Trolls in your MMORPG game, then you will need to find the right Troll names.
You can use the names as written or get ideas to help you brainstorm your options. In the post below, you will find more information that might help you find the perfect name you have been searching for.
Table of Contents
Trolls are one of the oldest races to ever exist in Azeroth. They are collectively referred to as trollkind and can be found in almost every corner of the ancient Kalimdor. There are many subgroups of trolls depending on the environment they are situated, such as the forest trolls, jungle trolls, dark trolls, blood trolls, ice trolls, sand trolls, and the powerful Zandalari trolls. Trolls are known to be savage creatures, only fending for themselves and their tribe without regard to other races. However, few notable groups proved that trolls can be collectively open and civil with other races. The different tribes of the jungle trolls joined the Horde and fought bravely for their cause during the Second, Third, and Fourth Wars.
In this name guide, we’ll tackle an overview about the specific trollkind who participated in the wars of the Horde against the Alliance and the Burning Legion; including the Troll racial traits and appearance. Readers will be guided to a list of our Top WOW Male and Female Troll Name Suggestions, a list of our recommended Funny WOW Troll Names, and raking of our Top 10 Troll Name Suggestions.
Check out our WOW Troll Name Generator for some quick Troll name ideas and references. You may freely use the generated names for your next World of Warcraft Troll character for free!
The Trolls of the Horde
Upon the opening of the Dark Portal to Azeroth, the first original Horde of Gul’dan was ignored by the forest Trolls. The Trolls kept an eye on the events that followed upon their arrival and were surprised to see that the kingdom of Stormwind fell into the Horde. The Horde invasion was seen by the Trolls as a golden opportunity to enact vengeance on the Elves and Humans for their defeat in the Troll Wars.
At the start of the Second War, the forest Trolls under the leadership of Zul’jin offered their aid to the Orcs in invading the northern kingdoms. With Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer leading the Horde, they were able to push further north of Stormwind. However, the Horde decided to launch an assault on Lordaeron instead on the elven grounds of Quel’Thalas. Zul’jin became furious with this decision and decided to withdraw Troll support for the Horde and eventually led to the Horde’s defeat in the Second War.
Before the Third War, Orgrim Doomhammer together with Thrall, his second-in-command, liberated the Horde from Human internment camps. Orgrim Doomhammer fell in battle and passed on the Warchief title to Thrall. With Thrall’s rise into power, he followed the visions and call of a mysterious Prophet who told him in his dreams to vacate the Eastern Kingdoms and sail west to Kalimdor. On the way to Kalimdor, the Orc ships crashed into an isolated island called the Darkspear Islands. In here, Thrall was able to meet the hideous Darkspear tribe, a clan belonging to the forest Troll lineage. It was later known that a human expedition from Kul’Tiras Marines was chasing the Horde ships and also arrived on the islands, forcing most of the Troll inhabitants away from their homes. Thrall, befriending the Troll leaders of the island, promised to fight off the Humans on their islands. After defeating the expedition and forced them to retreat, the Horde and the Trolls were suddenly attacked by a band of Murloc minions. Thrall and Sen’jin, the Darkspear Trolls’ leader, were captured and were being prepared as a sacrifice to the Sea Witch of the Murloc. Sen’jin was taken as the first sacrifice to the Sea Witch and was brutally murdered in the Murloc’s underground lair. Thrall, on the other hand, managed to escape captivity and took few Orc prisoners to follow Sen’jin deep in the lair. Thrall and his few Orcs fought bravely through waves of Murlocs and were able to kill the Murloc leader. Sen’jin was not able to recover from his wounds. In his last breath, he asked Thrall to take the Darkspear tribe with him to the Horde.
Darkspear Troll Appearance
The only playable Troll character for World of Warcraft is the Darkspear Trolls; although the events and stories of Warcraft show that different Troll tribes joined the Horde in their battles.
Darkspear trolls are notable for their pale bluish color, with some having light purple to pale green hues. Common male Trolls have a curved or hunched back and have long protruding tusks growing from their upper or lower lip. Male Trolls are also noticeable for their pointed noses and messy hairs. Female trolls are not hunched and can stand straight. They have shorter noses and have long hairs braided down to their shoulders or neck. Both male and female Trolls have pointy ears resembling that of an elf.
WoW Troll Traits and Classes
There are ten available classes for the Troll race as summarized in the table below:
Class | In-Game Role | Class | In-Game Role |
Warrior | Tank or Melee Plate DPS | Hunter | Melee or Ranged Mail DPS |
Rogue | Melee Leather DPS | Priest | Healer or Ranged Cloth DPS |
Shaman | Healer, Melee or Ranged Mail DPS | Mage | Ranged Cloth DPS |
Warlock | Ranged Cloth DPS | Monk | Tank, Healer, or Melee Leather DPS |
Druid | Tank, Healer, or Melee Leather DPS | Death Knight | Tank or Melee Plate DPS (Available with the Shadowlands pre-order) |
The Troll Racial Traits are summarized below:
Skills/Passive | Description |
Berserking [Skill] | Trolls can undergo a state of frenzy, increasing their Haste temporarily. Upon activation, increases the Trolls haste by 15% for 10 seconds. |
Da Voodoo Shuffle [Passive] | Trolls have remarkable nimbleness and are less affected by movement-impairing effects. Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects from all sources by 20%. |
Regeneration [Passive] | Trolls are blessed with natural body restorations and healing. Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. A bonus of 10% of total health regeneration persists even during combat. |
Beast Slaying [Passive] | Trolls are born hunters and gain additional experience from killing beasts. Experience gains from killing Beasts increased by 20%. |
Game Suggestions: Trolls are remarkable and versatile when it comes to combat. Their increased regeneration makes them ideal for tank roles, while the Berserking and Da Voodoo Shuffle make them ideal chasers or raiders to close the gap on targeted enemies. For tank roles, without sacrificing damage, a Troll Warrior or a Troll DK is recommended. Whereas for tank role that can have healing effects, an obvious pick will be a Troll Druid and a Troll Monk. Other classes are still ideal for the Troll race. This makes the Trolls more versatile and well-rounded compared to other races.
Troll Names
Troll Names and words are derived from the Zandali language. A Troll does not receive a name by birth, rather, they earn in through great feats or battles. Common Troll names contain a single syllable. As they prove themselves repeatedly, more syllables are added after their names. Other Troll names usually add a syllable after an apostrophe such as Sen’jin, and Vol’jin. However, these added syllables are usually titles or designations added to their names.
Top 10 Male Troll Names
Name | Pronunciation | Description |
Ohg’mon | /og-mon/ | Translates as “Hang-man” in Common tongue. This male Troll name describes a remorseless tribe executioner. Ohg’mon is the executioner troll of the Bloodscalp tribe. He exacts the death penalty on traitors and influential war prisoners. |
Vrag | /vrag/ | This name is earned by a Troll who shows steadfast loyalty for the tribe. Trolls at war commonly seek betrayals from other clans to gain an advantage and win over the rivaling tribe. Vrag didn’t fall for such a scheme. |
Zen’Beleb | /zen-be-leb/ | This Troll name describes a versed Troll Druid who can manipulate his own body and shapeshift into a feral beast. When he was young, Beleb trained in the wilderness of the Stonetalon Mountains together with some druidic Taurens and Loa. |
Gkal | /gal/ | Meaning “seasoned” or “proficient”. This name is granted to a talented spear thrower rookie. Only one Gkal must exist every ten years. Within the ten years, the bearer of the name Gkal is expected to change its name into a more relevant name or have added more syllables to it. |
Hol | /hol/ | This male Troll name depicts a self-assured character. He is someone who believes in his instinct above anything else. Hol is known to be a warrior of instincts. No one understands his tactics and decision-making, but he never led his squad into harm or trouble. |
Hal’gir | /hal-gir/ | This name describes a ruthless Troll warrior iconic for his cruel way of exterminating enemies. Hal’gir gained a negative reputation among the shamanic priests of his tribe. His chieftain, however, benefits well from his atrocities. |
Ma’alga | /ma-al-ga/ | A known Darkspear Hunter tasked in befriending wild raptors for the Horde. He is well-versed in animal taming and mounts training. Ma’alga is one of the many Trolls fascinated with the raptors of the Echo Isles. With its abundance in the area, they seek to convert these wild beasts into friendly mounts. |
Jawal | /ja-wal/ | Also known by the name “Kuras’mon” or “Curious Man” in the Common tongue. He is often seen prying on unwary Human or Elf travelers. His stealth skills were proven to be useful for thievery and gathering information. Jawal embraced the name Kuras’mon and he almost always introduces himself with this name. |
Ze’kal | /ze-kal/ | This name describes a male Troll shaman versed with healing and mending techniques. His therapeutic skills are at par with an actual Witch Doctor. Ze’kal trained directly under Zalazane before he turned against the Darkspear tribe. Ze’kal swore to utilize all his learning from the traitor to benefit the Horde. |
Yagr | /yag-ar/ | Meaning “Bolt” in the Common tongue. This name describes a Troll Mage capable of electrocuting enemies with lightning spells. He earned his name from his unique technique of manipulating lightning for attacking. |
For more male Troll name ideas, check out our Troll Name Generator. Try it now for free!
Top 10 Female Troll Names
Name | Pronunciation | Description |
Heth | /het/ | The name “Heth” describes a powerful female Troll Warlock who learned to manipulate stray demons for her cause. Heth discovered the art of conjuring demons from the scattered tomes she discovered on the beaches of the Echo Isles. |
Ez’kha | /ez-kha/ | Meaning “Tough Arm” when translated. This name describes a brawny female Troll who can wield heavy weapons. While trolls are commonly skilled with spears and edges, Ez’kha’s choice of weapon is a hammer or a greatsword. |
Ji’una | /ji-u-na/ | Also known by the name “Reaver”. She is a known huntress skilled at throwing spears and axes. Her nimble movements allow her to create distance against opponents pursuing her. Ji’una carries with her twenty sets of short spears, a dozen throwing daggers, and a pair of throwing axes. |
Minsha | /min-sha/ | This Troll name describes a female Shaman versed with crowd control abilities through her totems and earthquake abilities. Minsha improved her shamanic skills when she met veteran Tauren and Orc shamans of the Horde. |
Shwaar | /shwar/ | This name depicts a skilled female craftsman and smith. Shwaar means “tempered” in Common language. Her skill with the forge is unmatched. Her locally produced tempered steel is favored by all of Durotar and the Horde. |
Na’al | /na-al/ | This name describes a famous mage from Malaka’jin; a village of Troll hunters who trades with Horde adventurers. Na’al is also famous with the title “Stormstress” for her massively powerful lightning spells that match even the Night Elves. |
Juz’ka | /jaz-ka/ | This female Troll name depicts a character belonging to the Horde’s A Reconnaissance Unit—a squad of batriders that flies quietly to observe and locate enemies. Juz’ka and her bat-mount Timal usually scout the surrounding coasts and mountains of Orgrimmar for potential threats or Alliance sightings. |
Nish’jin | /nish-jin/ | This name describes an old and veteran female Shadow Hunter Troll. Nish’jin is a retired tribe leader with exceptional skill with spirit-related magic. Nish’jin is considered to be one of the few Shadow Hunters who mastered voodoo magics aside from the great Vol’jin. She decided to retire from her chieftain to have a peaceful life with her chosen mate. |
Lutz | /lootz/ | Also known as “Gai’fon” or “Lone Maiden”. Lutz is an expert Witch Doctor who abandoned the savage ways of her tribe and left to have a druidic life alone. Lutz found her way at the doorsteps of Orgrimmar when her small settlement was ravaged by the Legion’s invasion. She swore to lend her skills to the Horde to attain peace in this world. |
A’zhel | /a-zel/ | This name describes a strong and skillful Troll Berserker who earned many titles such as “The Basher” and “The Impaler”. She climbed her ranks from the Headhunters to the Berserker when she was able to prove her prowess in battle during the Third War. She now aspires to be a Horde captain in the future. |
More female Troll name recommendations from our Troll Name Generator. Try it now for free!
Funny Troll Names
Much of the history of the Trolls centers around them being savage or war-like. But in this guide, we were able to see them as valuable allies and partners for the Horde. Moreover, this doesn’t stop us from creating some funny names for the fierce Troll race. We all love funny names and we wish to use one in our next WOW character. Check out some of our suggested Funny Troll names below.
Before you proceed, keep in mind that these names are just for humorous purposes only. No insults or verbal abuse intended. Puns and jokes intended.
Name | Description |
InternetTroll | They exist, even in the modern world. Be careful, they are watching. |
Mohawk | Obviously, trolls have this hairdo, right? |
In’kontroll | What do you call a troll who’s in charge? |
Yo’mon | A cool talking Troll shaman. |
Pa’Troll | A male Troll who likes to roam the lands of Durotar. |
Ala’jok | A funny and joking Troll who rides a wyvern. |
Trollblazers | The official Durotar Trollblazers basketball team. |
Trollex | A Troll who likes collecting dwarf-made watches. |
Bak’eyks | Did we mention that male Trolls have hunchbacks? Probably because of backaches. |
Brit’ni | A female Troll Headhunter. Interestingly, her tribe’s name is Spears. What a coincidence. |
Top Troll Names Suggestions
We are now on the last part of this guide. In summary, we were able to discuss a brief history of the Trolls and how they were able to join the Horde in their campaigns. In this section, we’ll make a list of our Top 10 Troll Name Suggestions based on our earlier male and female top Troll names. We based the names on how Troll-like are the names and how relevant are their lore. We also have some personal picks that we want to include on the list. Check out the rankings below.
Rank | Name | Gender | Description |
1 | Minsha /min-sha/ | Female | We like how this name is pronounced and how it sounds. It gives us an impression that the name is shamanic and at the same time Troll-like. Moreover, we love the backstory about a Troll learning new shamanic skills from the Taurens and Orcs who share the same shamanic beliefs. |
2 | Ji’una /ji-u-na/ | Female | Ji’una the Reaver has nice background lore. She’s a nimble huntress skilled with throwing weapons. Additionally, the name is very Troll-like and has a nice tone in it. |
3 | Ma’alga /ma-al-ga/ | Male | To start with, the name sounds nice and befitting for a Troll character. We love his background lore. He, being versed with animal taming, was tasked to befriend and tame wild raptors of the Echo Isles. It’s a nice and interesting background story for the entire Horde itself. |
4 | Jawal /ja-wal/ | Male | We also added another title for this name: Kuras’mon. That’s two possible names at the same time! Not only that these names are unique and cool for a Troll, but the lore is also nice. Jawal is a stealthy and curious Troll, thus his other name. |
5 | Juz’ka /jaz-ka/ | Female | Let’s never forget the batriders of Warcraft III! We came with an idea about a name that rides a bat. So, here you go. We want Juz’ka and Timil to be used in WOW as a name for the main character and her mount. |
6 | Ze’kal /ze-kal/ | Male | Part of the history of the Trolls is the betrayal of Zalazane. With this, we came up with the idea of creating a Troll character who trains with Zalazane before he betrays the Darkspear tribe. The lore and the name itself are already astonishing, thus we’re putting this on the list. |
7 | Nish’jin /nish-jin/ | Female | We associate this name with the Shadow Hunter, an elite champion introduced as heroes in Warcraft III. We love the idea of a retired Shadow Huntress who was forced to fight again for the Horde because of the chaos happening around her. |
8 | Ohg’mon /og-mon/ | Male | This name is one of our favorites. The name sounds Troll-like and at the same time, funny. We associate the name with “Hang-man” because we want this name for a Troll executioner. |
9 | Vrag /vrag/ | Male | This name is straightforward and simple. Yet, its simplicity is what makes it on our list. The name is easy to remember and perfectly fits a Troll character. The background lore is quite nice too. He is someone loyal and never falls for the tempting offer of other tribes to betray his own. |
10 | Na’al /na-al/ | Female | The name sounds interesting and gives you an idea that she is a possible NPC or Merchant in-game. We also like her background lore. She is famous for the title Stormstress, for she is someone who has an arsenal of massive lightning spells. Scary. |
More race-specific names from our WOW Name Generator. We have a collection of ready-made names that players can access with just a click of a button. Try it now for free!
World of Warcraft Races